Powered to Empower

We Encourage People: Learn Why We Empower

We Encourage People: Learn Why We Empower

Why We Empower

The Powered to Empower was established to help people to find their power. All people have power. God placed in man His very nature when He made him, and as a result, man is in possession of unlimited potential. Our aim is to ignite this potential so that individuals can operate out of their true selves. 

How It All Started

God gifted me with the burning desire to accomplish this task. At an early age, I knew I wanted to be some form of motivation to others, and I found the need to offer my unique intervention. There was also a life changing incident that occurred in my early twenties that further pushed me in this direction. 

My prayer was for God to Empower me so I can Empower others. I knew I needed grace, because I was going through some really challenging times.  At that point, it was very clear that establishing the Powered to Empower was my life’s mission. The idea to Empower people was a result of my own brokenness. 

Brokenness can sometimes seem cruel, but brokenness will stir up the very nature of God within us. We must understand this, and we must move beyond our brokenness and explore our power.

Often the most beautiful people have been the most hurt. Consider how God is able to use your broken pieces to make a beautiful collage. Don’t give up, trust the God of restoration, that He will turn your mourning into laughter.

Helpful Resource

'7 Powers of Man beautifully unleashes the truth that all people have power.'

Growing Up

I grew up on the countryside of the Jamaican terrain. It was an adventurous journey, but also a very lonely one. Very early in my life I discovered that I was different. I didn’t want the same things or do the same things as my peers. While they played, I wrote. I always wanted my writing to inspire the people around me. 

I remember days when I wished I was like my friends because I thought they were the cool ones. They were the ones that got all the attention and attention was all we wanted. As I grew older, I realized that I was actually worthwhile. I found out that my power was hidden in my difference. 

I found out that my power was hidden in my difference.

When I found this out, I used my difference to inspire my strength. I wrote my emotions on paper. From poetry to blogs, I captured my thoughts in rhythms and rhymes. 

The World Is Filled With Broken People 

When we look around us, we see a very diverse crowd. We see people who look different, talk different and if we dig deeper, these are also people with some really different problems. Many of us have had to endure some really challenging times. For me, I reached a point where I reflected and saw that sad days were all I knew. Nonetheless, I found that discouraging times can lead you into flourishing times.

It is very complicated and lonely when we walk in our own lanes with our troubles. I was so broken that I had to be healed. Healing was a very long and painful process, but healing was inevitable. My healing came with a great desire to empower people beyond their own brokenness. 

Along my healing journey, my strength came as I empowered myself beyond my weakness. I discovered that it was possible to undo my weakness and to fill this gap with strength . It is out of this need that the Powered to Empower was found. I made a conscious decision, that I would offer myself to the world in the way I can and as I am. 

We Are A Resource Center

The Powered to Empower was established as a resource center, to provide a diverse set of material that will challenge you to become a better you. Our resource library is filled with books, quotes, poems, blogs and daily meditations that are geared to push you forward.

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There are four main pillars upon which we have established the Powered to Empower. These are summarized as;

1.We Have Been Called to Empower the Powerless. 

We all provide services that empower the people around us, regardless of the area of life we operate in. A teacher empowers students, a doctor empowers patients and a pastor empowers congregants. 

The Powered to Empower is here to inspire the person who life has battered so hard that you could accept some help from a caring friend. We care about marriages, and children, and wounded men and women from all walks of life. We provide content that can help  you in whatever you’re facing.

 2. Empowered People Empower People.

We believe that as we empower people, empowered people will empower people. We tend to want to help others when we have overcome our own brokenness. Empowered people are those who have walked through death and made it out alive. They are not the ones who have not fallen, but they rise each time they fall.

We invite people who share a similar vision of change to join us. People who care in honesty and are driven by love. Join our community by subscribing to our mailing list and feel free to share our content. Let’s do this thing together, this thing called Love!

 3.To Empower Others Is Life’s Great Commission. 

At the Powered to Empower, we believe that the Bible is not only a spiritual book but it also provides practical lessons that are incomparable. In Matthew, Jesus instructs us to go into all the world and to preach the Gospel. The Powered to Empower brings the Gospel in our unique little way. 

The resources we provide are geared towards establishing the Gospel in our everyday living. We operate off Divine Love as the Bible defines it in 1 Corinthians 13. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud……It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres….Love never fails! Our mission is to Love because God is Love and Love is true.

4.We Care. 

We are here because we care. Life can be hard and we know it. Sometimes life will bring us to some bridges that we can’t see beyond. There are people so hurt that they are on the brink of suicide. Some travel with incessant tears for years. Our aim is to show you how to use these tears to bless others.

The Powered to Empower really cares about you and that’s why we do what we do. Our desire is to see people who have come into identity with the power they have. People should know who they are and whose they are. 

You are not what the world says you are or who you say that you are, but you are who God made you to be. We want you to know this because self identity is a great part of your freedom.

Let us all unite in the spirit of love and let us all move forward together. Let’s join hands and hearts and desire to see change in the people around us. God wants us to live our best life and so do we. The Powered to Empower is here to Empower the Powerless!

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