Prayer is the language that reaches God. As we seek Him, it is our ‘Fervency in Prayer’ that will empower this divine communication. A prayer mixed with the potency of faith will move the very hands of God and is the fervent prayer that God accepts.
When we pray, let us identify with the capacity of our prayers to move mighty mountains. Let’s never underestimate the power of our prayers, because when we petition the grace of God, the power of God begins to reign in our lives.
Take a look at what the Bible says about our fervent prayers;
James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
In James 5, the Apostle enlightens us on a specific type of prayer, the effectual and the fervent prayer of a righteous man. An effective and a fervent prayer only comes from the righteous man. The Bible says Abraham believed and it was accounted to him as righteousness. As a result we see that righteousness comes to the one who believes.
To be effectual is to be filled with power and to be fervent is to be vehemently passionate in divine praise. When a righteous man petitions in such a way, the impossible becomes possible. As the righteous cries towards heaven, heaven will hear the righteous bawl.
It’s Not In Our Many Words
Our ‘Fervency in Prayer’ does not come from the multitude of words we pray. It is rather in the condition of our hearts. A heart that is established on active faith is a heart that will be heard. As David cried in the Psalms, the Bible explains him as being a man of God’s own heart. When we look at David, he was far from being perfect, but his heart was close to God. David’s total surrender and contrite heart made him upright in the sight of God.
See also : Prayer That Works – How to Reach God.
As we pray, let us remember that it is God who will inscribe on us the medal of righteousness. Let us not think too highly of ourselves, as God hates the self righteous. However, we can expose ourselves to the bright heavenly light that will cleanse us as we go. The Scriptures say that if your heart condemns you, God is greater than your heart. Don’t judge, just love.
As We Conclude
Let us join hands and hearts and let us stand in praise and pour our prayers. We should all come to terms with the power of the resurrection that makes us whole, and as a result, we should wholly pray.
As we aim our prayers towards heaven, let us know that we are heard. Our effective prayers are those that bridge the gap of the temporal and the eternal, those prayers we utter from a place of faith. Be strong and persistent when you pray, and whatever you do, keep praying!