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To Our Sister : You Are A Beautiful Gift From God

To Our Sister : You Are A Beautiful Gift From God

To Our Sister: You Are A Beautiful Gift From God

This poem ‘To Our Sister,’ was written in celebration of our little sister, Shanese Rowe. When I was writing it, I remember considering how blessed I was to have such a great sister. Shanese is like a magnet that keeps us together, and for this we want to celebrate her now and always. 

It is important to celebrate with one another as we walk together. We might never know the impact of our thoughtfulness, yet it could add great value to someone’s day. I remember writing this poem and sharing it with my sister. She was very happy but very tearful. Later on I found out that she was going through a rough patch and needed this. At that point, I was very happy that God lead me into writing this poem ‘To Our Sister.’

Aso see : Mom’s Love – The Perfect Example of God

We need each other, not for personal gain, but for our very survival. If you have ever been lonely, then you will understand the depth of this statement. Together we stand, divided we fall.

Join with me, and let us celebrate this queen of a sister God has given to me. Also remember that your thoughtfulness is a great act of kindness. 


To Our Sister

Dear sister, you are a gift forever,

As family your joy, has been our one endeavour.

So on this your special day we say,

ENJOY! ENJOY! ENJOY! Oh Happy Birthday!!

The distance has taken you a while,

But still you resonate and conquer every mile.

Your family loves you well, though you’re far away,

ENJOY! ENJOY!ENJOY! Oh Happy Birthday!!

Let God give you affection,

As the currents maintain connection.

And never cease to rise and victory to obey,

This is what the family says, Happy Birthday!!

Daddy looks from the heavenly star,

And see the beauty that you are.

And sure joins with us to say,

ENJOY!ENJOY!ENJOY! Oh Happy Birthday!!

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