There are many important spiritual lessons from storms. These lessons can transform us into more wholesome and valuable individuals. Though storms might seem destructive, there are hidden gems within them waiting to be explored.
We must learn how to embrace our storms. The reality is that storms are inevitable—whether we like it or not. We might try our very best to prevent them from happening, but during storms, we have little to no control.
When we experience stormy weather, the only control we have is over our faith. We can choose to focus on the light at the end of the tunnel or the darkness that lies within it.
I remember growing up in Jamaica and the many storms we used to have. During stormy weather, it feels like the whole world is about to end. The roofs would make the scariest sounds as the strong winds took their course. In the middle of the storm, it was very dark and lonely, and the impacts could be devastating.
Yet storms never last forever. I used to love the aftermath of a storm. Not only is it much calmer, but it also feels much more hopeful. There is a sigh of relief after all the turbulence, and you become thankful to have made it out alive.
Isn't it very similar when we face the spiritual storms of life?
We cannot predict our storms, but we can nurture and strengthen our faith. While we may have limited control over them, we always have control over how we respond in faith. When we face our spiritual storms, we can choose to expect the best outcome while waiting for it, or we can adopt a negative outlook.
The Psalmist said, “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” David acknowledged that he would have lost heart if he hadn’t expected to experience the goodness of God. When we expect something to happen, we are essentially placing our faith in it.
The many important spiritual lessons from storms help us navigate our own stormy weather and guide us to the calm and hope that follow the storm.
In this blog post, I want to share with you five faith lessons from storms and discuss how you can apply them to your life to become more valuable and wholesome.
These lessons will bless you with the courage to persevere. Let’s dive in!
5 Important Spiritual Lessons From Storms
1. Storms Teach Us That Nothing Lasts Forever
I’ve faced many spiritual storms. There have been times when I felt submerged in the storms of life, with strong winds shaking the very foundation of my roof. Yet, I’ve learned that when we expect the best, we often receive it. It’s true: what we believe, we often receive.
Trusting God in difficult times is key to overcoming them. The spiritual lessons from storms are best learned when we exercise our faith. We must trust that God is up to something good.
Be Faithful in the Storm
The howling wind might frighten you, but don’t be afraid. Remember that Christ is right there with you in the middle of every storm. He has promised never to leave you nor forsake you. Even when He seems quiet while the turbulence rages, His presence remains faithful.
Matthew 8 provides us with a perfect example. The Bible recounts how Jesus was with His disciples during a storm, but He was sleeping. Troubled, they woke Him and cried out, “Lord, save us! We’re going down!”
Do you feel like you’re going down? Are you intimidated by the flashing lightning and the roaring thunder? Don’t lose courage, and never give up.
Jesus responded, “You of little faith, why are you afraid?” Then, He calmed the storm. The disciples were amazed and said, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey Him!”
Every wind and every wave will obey the command of Jesus Christ, our Lord. All we need to do is have faith and trust that He will bring our storms to an end. We must open ourselves to the spiritual lessons from storms so they can empower us to face future life storms.
2. Storms Remove Deadness
When it comes to the important spiritual lessons storms, one key lesson is that storms remove deadness. One of the effects of storms is that the strong winds and raging waters uproot dead vegetation and make way for new growth.
The heavy rainfall also washes away bacteria and pollutants that once negatively impacted the environment. After a storm, it might seem barren, but this is the foundation for what will eventually be lush and healthy growth.
Consider the storms in our own lives—how they uproot areas of our lives that were harmful to us. A storm can leave us in a state of barrenness, but this is the foundation for what will become a much more wholesome and vibrant individual.
Your storms will make way for a better version of you. Ultimately, it’s up to you whether you endure the storms or submit to them. Know that, even in the midst of a storm, God’s grace is sufficient to help you through.
3. Storms Make Way For New Growth
The most beautiful vegetation will appear after the passing of a storm. During a storm, the heavy winds and howling waters will move plants to new areas and spread seeds across landmarks. As a result, we’ll see new types of plants growing in areas where they were once absent.
When we pass through our own storms, we’ll experience similar newness. Storms can remove old, toxic habits and make way for us to adopt new ones. They also give us the opportunity to start anew amidst the passing of the strong winds.
It makes sense that, in order to experience new growth, we must create space for it. The storms of life create this space, allowing us to embrace the newness of life that God wants to bring to us.
What we see here is the wisdom of God at work. It may seem as though the storm has come to destroy you, but in reality, it seeks to destroy parts of you that need to go, in order to make way for a new version of yourself. Transformation often happens through the strong winds of the storms we endure.
4. Storms Teach Us To Let Go And Let God
The fact that we have little to no control over a storm teaches us that we must let the storm take its course. We have to watch it unfold, sometimes in fear, gasping for faith, and learning to let go and let God.
Consider the scripture in Matthew 8. It was the perfect moment for the disciples to learn to let go and let God. As I mentioned earlier, every wind and every wave that seeks to devour you will obey the command of our Lord.
When the disciples went to Jesus, they realized that they couldn’t make it on their own. Jesus spoke to the storm, and it subsided. Imagine the great lesson they learned about trusting Him. Sometimes, we need a storm for Christ to prove Himself worthy. This is exactly what the disciples experienced in that moment.
They might have lacked the experience of a situation that would demand their trust, but it was the perfect opportunity for them to witness God’s goodness.
Our Storms Will Prove God Most Worthy
Maybe your storm doesn’t make sense. You might be asking yourself a thousand “why” questions. But this very storm will prove God to be most worthy. How can you learn to trust God if you’ve never had a situation that required trust in Him?
If the disciples could have calmed the storm on their own, they probably would have. Perhaps they would have said to one another, “He is sleeping; let’s not wake Him.” But they couldn’t handle it themselves, and it became a matter of life and death. They had to summon Jesus Christ—the ruler of storms.
Summon Jesus. Christ is waiting for your call. His ears are not too dull to hear you, nor are His hands too short to reach you. He will answer whenever you call.
5. Storms Teach Us Patience
As you face your own storm, you may not be able to change the situation, but you can always change the way you look at it. You can view storms from a new perspective—one of faith, knowing that the God of the calm is also the God of the storm.
A storm might break you, but remember, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” May you find the courage to wait on the Lord. Wait on the Lord as you embrace the many spiritual lessons from storms.
Concluding Thoughts
We have learned that there are many important spiritual lessons we can glean from storms. These spiritual lessons from storms can prepare us for the roads ahead, making us more wholesome and valuable individuals.
Our job, as always, is to walk by faith and not by sight. As you face your storms, remember that even though Jesus may seem quiet, He is right there with you, waiting for you to awaken Him.
The God of the calm is also the God of the storm. When you summon His Presence, He will speak to the storm and cause it to subside. Call on Him, and surely He will come to rescue you. May God keep you through your storm. Amen.