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Spiritual Isolation: How to Endure the Solitary Moments of Life

Spiritual Isolation: How to Endure the Solitary Moments of Life

Enduring Spiritual Isolation

Loneliness doesn’t feel good. When we are alone, we often feel we have been forsaken, yet enduring spiritual isolation is key to our victory. God often places us in the solitude of loneliness to stir up our power, and bring us to new dimensions. We must first understand this, and then learn to endure until God releases us.

Consider the Chinese Bamboo Tree. This plant will remain in what appears to be dormancy for four years, and in its fifth year of burial will experience exponential growth. I often refer to this process as the great miracle of plant growth. Just when it appeared it was over,  the Chinese Bamboo tree showed us the possibility of comebacks. Comebacks can seem far away, but with God we can be sure that it will be certain.

What is Spiritual Isolation

The Bible tells us that God is Spirit. When He acts, His work is first completed in the spiritual realm before it appears in the physical world. As God transforms us, this transformation begins within our spirit. Often, this inner work unfolds in a place of solitude. Just as a child is formed in the quiet darkness of the womb, we, too, are shaped alone in God’s presence. This sacred, alone time with God is what I call Spiritual Isolation. It is the divine work that takes place in the hidden, intimate spaces of His presence.

The Bible says, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” When we experience isolation, our role is to dwell, rest and remain in God’s Presence. This requires patience and surrender to His hands, trusting that in His time, God will complete His work in us. As we abide, God faithfully shapes us, bringing us ever closer to the fullness of Christ.

Learning Spiritual Patience

Moses had to endure forty years in the wilderness for God to prepare him for leadership. Lazarus also had to wait in the depths of death before he was called back to life. Regardless of our wait time, we must learn to be patient in the hands of God. Enduring spiritual isolation can feel endless, yet we must let go of our focus on time and feast on the Divine. In the Spirit, time fades, but God’s Presence fills every moment. Therefore, we must choose to rest in God’s presence and be still.

Perhaps you have been battered by the storms of tribulation. Remember that batter is simply a mixture for something better. The good news is that God is the Potter, shaping the batter of our lives to make us better. He will mold and shape us into someone more valuable and beautiful than we ever imagined.

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” – Isaiah 40:31

This Scripture from Isaiah encourages us to wait on the Lord, for when we do, He will renew our strength. As you endure, trust that God will use your broken pieces to bless the world around you.

Trusting God Fully in Our Spiritual Isolation

As we are enduring spiritual isolation, we must trust God with all our hearts. Imagine that the same God who created the heavens and the earth is the One recreating you. Remember, God is able to achieve anything because He is powerful beyond measure. For this reason, we can trust Him even as He places us in solitude. 

Often, moments of despair can cloud our eyes from seeing the truth. Yet, the Bible encourages us to walk by faith and not by sight. It also says that faith is the evidence of things not seen. This means that when we are spiritually isolated, we must view our journey through the lens of faith. We must perceive the complete work God is doing and the wholeness He is leading us to.

Perhaps you feel tired of waiting, weary from the burdens you carry. But trust in God with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are God’s thoughts higher than ours, and He longs to lift us to Him. Will you trust Him?

Spiritual Isolation is the preparation room of God

When we look closely, we’ll see that God is preparing us in our spiritual isolation. It is often in this place of solitude that we learn who we truly are and to whom we belong. Here, we also learn to depend on God and trust Him more deeply. Moreover, we begin to let go of our old selves and embrace a renewed identity in Christ. Spiritual isolation isn’t meant to break us but to equip us for God’s purpose. It is often in the darkness of isolation that we are shaped into who God has predestined us to be. This mirrors what happens to a seed when planted. It must be buried in darkness, shedding its old shell, to bring forth new life.

Do not be discouraged. As you journey through the darkness of spiritual isolation, trust that God is working something good. As you continue to walk with Him, He will turn your ashes into beauty and your mourning into joy. After Jesus was isolated in death for three days, the Bible teaches that He rose with all power. He descended into the depths only to rise as the Highest. Remember, the same God who raised Jesus from the dead is with you now. Rest assured that He will work His miracle in you as you endure your spiritual isolation.

Isolation can be a great blessing

Often, God protects us as we endure spiritual isolation. Many times, we are hidden under the shadow of His wings, shielded from dangers we cannot see. It’s possible that our perspective on our circumstances makes us feel uneasy. But if we look with eyes of faith, we may find ourselves grateful for these seasons of spiritual isolation. This is where God perfects His power within us.

When enduring spiritual isolation remember you are not alone in this. Many Biblical characters had to endure similar seasons, just as you are now. We can view this as God’s divine strategy—a way for Him to work His power within us, preparing us for the purpose He has set before us.

Here are some key examples of Biblical characters that had to endure spiritual isolation:

  1. Joseph: Sold into slavery by his brothers and later wrongfully imprisoned, Joseph faced years of isolation and hardship. His faith and character were refined during this time, preparing him to save Egypt and his family from famine (Genesis 37-50).

  2. David: Before becoming king, David spent years on the run from King Saul, often hiding in caves and isolated places. This time of separation helped him grow in faith and reliance on God, eventually shaping him into a leader after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 22-24).

  3. Elijah: After prophesying a drought, Elijah went into hiding by the brook Cherith, where he was fed by ravens. This period of isolation prepared him to confront the prophets of Baal and witness God’s power on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 17-18).

  4. Jesus: After His baptism, Jesus spent forty days fasting and praying in the wilderness, where He was tempted by Satan. This time of isolation strengthened Him for His ministry and prepared Him to face the challenges ahead (Matthew 4:1-11).

Concluding Thoughts

We have learned about the reality of enduring spiritual isolation and how it can be a hidden blessing in our lives. In isolation, God cultivates His power within us, refining and perfecting us to become more like Him. Our role during this time is to be still and remember that God is in control. He is the one shaping you into someone with a greater purpose. Just as babies are formed in the dark of the womb and seeds germinate in the hidden soil, God renews us in the solitude of spiritual isolation.

Don’t lose heart. Know that God is constantly working behind the scenes to bring His purpose to fruition in you. As you journey forward, trust in the Lord with all your heart, knowing that He will guide you to a beautiful place. Be blessed.

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