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In The Midst Of What’s Going On, Keep Going.

In The Midst Of What’s Going On, Keep Going.

Keep Going

Life is hard. It is very difficult to live in a concrete jungle, yet there is strength to keep us going in the midst of what’s going on. Keep going. You must empower your mind to challenge whatever life throws at you, and you must continually remain strong.

We should never allow temporary setbacks to prevent our comebacks. 

At any given moment, there are many things going on in our lives. Our problems are as diverse as our faces and our struggles are as real as our hurts. Yet this is not enough to prevent us from moving forward. This is because, we are stronger than every struggle, and we are poised for every pain. Don’t Give Up.

Life is not easy and for sure it’s not comfortable. Our inner world may be filled with pain and our hearts may be heavy with sorrows, but be strong because you are strong. You are a brave warrior that has been made to do something great. It’s your choice whether or not you want to believe this, but the truth is you have been perfectly made to carry out the duty you have been assigned.

You Are God’s Plan

Your very existence points to a Master Builder. You are no coincidence and to know this is to be liberated from the weakness that hinders strength. I might see your smile but I might never know the hidden tears that drench your pillow in the night. Also, I might see you appearing to be strong, but I might never see the weakness that constantly knocks at your door. It is ok to feel weakness and yes it’s true that you may feel lost. What is not ok is your failure to identify that amidst the feelings you are whole. 

Don’t live off feelings but live off truth. The truth is, you are a mighty force to reckon with and in your truest sense, you are the expression of God. Don’t ever lose courage and never harbour the thought of giving in, be bold and brave and press forward in faith.

Keep Going

In the midst of what’s going on, claim your victory and keep going. Paul the Apostle pressed in the midst of His own adversity. Paul identified with the importance of letting go of the things that were holding him back, and he pressed forward in the midst of what was happening to him.

Philippians 3:14

I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Are we able to do the same thing? Never allow belittling thoughts to cause you to think less than who you  are. I stress your identity because it is in our identity that we find our strength. When you know who you are, you act out of that knowledge. You are the light of the earth, so shine. In the midst of what’s going on, keep going!

Helpful Prayer: Dear God, grant me the courage to continue to the end. Without You I am nothing but with You I am strong. Help me dear Lord to identify with Your great strength that You have bestowed upon me and to be strong. Help me I pray. Amen.

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