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I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.

I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.

Find courage in meditating on this scripture found in Philippians 4:13. The Apostle Paul was going through a rough time in this instance. He  realized that the only help he had was Christ the Almighty. It is so important for us to identify with the power of His resurrection that gives us strength, as we walk with God.When we identify with the power of God in our lives, it is only then that we can confidently say, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

 All Things

All things doesn’t mean only the good and favourable. It means that if we are put in the most upsetting situations,we will endure. In Philippians 4 :12, Paul says that He knows how to abound and how to be abased. Paul is really acknowledging that, sometimes the situations will be awkward and uncomfortable, but he has the coping mechanism. 

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We must adapt the heart knowledge that it is through Christ that we can accomplish life’s many tasks.It is this knowledge that will get you through. The confidence Paul had was not in his own abilities. It was rather in the power of Jesus Christ, who Paul acknowledges as giving him strength.

With Christ You Can

As we believe we can, we open up the realm of possibilities. When we find the courage to be faithful, Christ makes our impossible, possible! We may feel we are not enough, and this is true when we walk without Christ. We are incapable and insufficient, to do it on your own. The one who overcomes, overcomes in the Name of the Lord. It is not by might, nor by power, but it is through the resurrection of the Spirit of God, that we find our strength to go on.

God wants to give us the power to endure.His word clearly states that He wants to give us an abundant life. Don’t forget this word. As you go about your business, walk in the confidence that, “You the believer can indeed do all things through Christ who gives you strength.” Be Blessed!

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