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God’s Recipe For Forgiveness

God’s Recipe For Forgiveness

Recipe for Forgiveness

In order for us to proceed in life, we must forgive. We should be cognizant of God’s Recipe For Forgiveness, in order to truly forgive and to advance on our way.

The scripture teaches us this recipe. Let’s have a look;

Matthew 6:14-15  For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

This is the law of forgiveness. We must follow this law if we are to be forgiven of our own sinfulness. In Matthew Jesus teaches us this law. 

The simple law is this, that if we forgive others of their sins then our Father in heaven will also forgive us. If however we do not forgive others, we will not receive our own forgiveness.

It is very important to understand the reason why we must really forgive. 

Why Forgive

First and foremost, the Recipe for Forgiveness is a Godly requirement. Secondly, we have all done wrong and demand forgiveness. Perhaps the most important reason however, is that forgiveness greatly helps us in our own lives.

If you have ever wrestled with grudge against another person, you’ll know the hate,the hurt and the loneliness of an unforgiving heart. Unforgiveness is a poison that kills our spirits and given time will also affect our physical bodies.

To forgive is to rid the subjects in a way as if the event didn’t happen. In other words, when we forgive we throw our grudge in the sea of forgetfulness. When you have identified with your own wretchedness then you will realize how much we all fall short.In the truest sense, we all hunger for forgiveness. 

We All Fall Short

Forgiveness is for everyone because everyone will fall short at some point. When we identify with this reality then we will have no other choice but to forgive. 

God’s recipe is that as we give, we receive. When we give forgiveness , we in turn receive it back pressed down, shaken together and running over. God wants to forgive us, but as a prerequisite we must forgive in our own lives.

See also : Forgiveness Is Kindness

It can be very hard to forgive. Take for example the young lady who have been a victim of sexual exploitation, or the mother who has lost her son to the bullet of another son.  

Consider the heavy heart and the light tears of the one who has been broken from another person’s wrong. If you have not been in a similar position you might take it lightly. However the reality is, it’s not easy to cope with the sad memories of a painful past.

 As We Conclude

It doesn’t matter what we have been through, God is saying, forgive so that you can be forgiven. It is hard but it can be done.

It takes time and a constant reminder that with God it is very possible to forgive. Release the past into the land of the forgotten and welcome the future with opened hearts. You can and you must forgive.

Today’s Prayer

Dear God, I pray that you will bless me with the grace to forgive my brothers and sisters who have done me wrong. I know that my own forgiveness is dependent on the way I forgive and I pray that you will give the the divine confidence and the anointing it requires to truly forgive. Give me a heart like Yours. Amen.

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