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The Sea Of Forgetfulness: How To Let Go Of The Past

The Sea Of Forgetfulness: How To Let Go Of The Past

The Sea of Forgetfulness

The Bible says when God forgives us He throws our sins into the depths of the sea.This concept is widely understood as the Sea of forgetfulness.  It is a powerful metaphor used to illustrate God’s complete and total forgiveness. While the exact phrase “Sea of Forgetfulness” isn’t directly found in the Bible, the idea comes from several verses that emphasize God’s mercy and willingness to forget our transgressions. One key verse that highlights this concept is that found in Micah 7:19. It says;

He will again have compassion on us, And will subdue our iniquities. You will cast all our sins Into the depths of the sea.

God forgives us in this way so we can use it as an example to forgive one another. If you’ve ever yearned for forgiveness, you know just how vital it is to give and receive. Nonetheless, forgiveness is a very big idea and can be very hard to achieve. Thankfully, God will help us as we seek to be good forgivers.

A Record Made Clean

God endeavours to make our record clean. One day I was speaking to someone and for some reason he was very elated. I just stared at his excitement. I later found out he got pardoned for some trouble he got in earlier in his life. He was so excited that I just had to be happy with him. It was as if it was my own joy. 

When can speak about the sea of forgetfulness in a similar way. The legal establishment had thrown away all the negative records from this person’s file. This was to the point where no trace was left. For the believer, God has forgiven us in a manner that ensures there is no record of our sins. God has wiped our records clean.The Bible says that God has removed our transgressions from us as far as the east is from the west.

The Law Of Forgiveness

Our own forgiveness is dependent on the principle of God found in Matthew 6 14-15. The law of forgiveness is to forgive others so that God can forgive us. When we fulfill this law, God promises to make our records clean and give us a new start.

 14For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15.But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

One sure thing about God and its that He honors His Word. The Bible says that heaven and earth will pass away, but His Word will not pass. This means that when God speaks a word it is true and pure. It also means that His Word is certain to be applied.On this note, we must seek to forgive one another in order to secure our own forgiveness. 

Also see : The Burden Of Unforgiveness

Learning to Let Go

Letting go of yesterday might be the hardest thing to do. This is because the stains of yesterday can leave the most indelible scars. Yet we must relieve ourselves of the heavyweight of the past in order to step into tomorrow more freely.

As you travel with the heavy load of the past you will realize this is too heavy a load to carry. It is also a load that has no purpose. The past is the past and there is nothing we can do to change it. It is impossible. As a result, dwelling on the past is a great waste of time. It is also not a wise thing to do.

Paul the Apostle said ”  

13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Paul knew that we have to let go in order to go on. 

Forgiving Ourselves

We should never allow our past sins to haunt us. It is very easy to hold our sins against ourselves but it is not good. The Bible says that if your heart condemns you, God is greater than your heart. This means that you should believe what God says about you. You are not condemned regardless of where you have been and the pestilence you have experienced. 

You should recite this truth along with the promises of God for your life on a daily. This can be the food that reminds you of His love. 

Forgiving Others

It is equally important for us to forgive one another. The Bible says we must forgive others of their trespasses for God to forgive us of ours. Therefore as we learn to forgive ourselves we should also learn to forgive others.

This can be a hard long process, but forgiveness is necessary for us to proceed. unforgiveness is a heavy load of sin that is sure to hold us back. The good news is that God can enable us to be good forgivers. We can rely on His faithfulness to help us in our need. 

For sure God will help us to do the things He requires of us.

As We Conclude

When God has forgiven us, let us receive our forgiveness. Let us also move forward in the boldness of life God has given us. It is a great sin to hold our sins when we have been forgiven. This is also great hurt when we hold to the things from which we have been set free. 

Remember that it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Your job is to let go of the sins for which you have been forgiven and to move towards the finish line. 

Do not continue to search the sea for your sins. Look ahead to the promised land. May God bless you as you go, and may you continue to grow in His direction.

Useful Prayer

Dear God, I ask for the divine capacity to let go of the sins for which I have been forgiven. I pray Lord that you will also teach me how to forgive the people who have done me wrong. Help me to look away from the sea of forgetfulness where my sins have been lost. Amen.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Sandee Wichkoski

    I was looking for metaphors for sea/ocean while pondering a dream I had involving my granddaughter. I happened upon your devotional re: Micah 7:19. Refreshing and encouraging. Thank you for posting!

    1. Orlando Rowe

      You are welcome Sandee, I am very joyful that you have been blessed by the Powered to Empower website. May God bless you with His abundant love!

  2. Karen

    This messege has been a blessing to my life.
    I thank God to find this powerful and mercy speech.

    God continue blessing your life.

    1. Orlando Rowe

      Thank you for your feedback Karen. It is a blessing to know that the Powered to Empower website has blessed your life. I pray that above all, God will continue to polish you with His Love. Stay Blessed!

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