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Beautiful Life: How God Uses our Broken Pieces As Building Blocks

Beautiful Life: How God Uses our Broken Pieces As Building Blocks

God uses broken pieces as His building blocks

God uses our broken pieces as His building blocks, crafting beautiful lives from the fragments of our pain. That’s why in my book, Broken: Yet Destined To Be Healed, I emphasize that brokenness can be beautiful. Beauty often stems from what seems shattered. Just as the finest cars are born from the dirtiest metals, and the most stunning roses bloom from the death of a seed, God transforms our brokenness into something breathtaking.

Think about how God can turn defeats into victories and setbacks into comebacks. No matter where we find ourselves, His love can revive and restore us. Even when life crucifies us with its trials, and we find ourselves in places that seem impossible to recover from, God steps in. He promises to give us beauty for ashes, breathing new life into our hardest moments. This is the hope we carry: that God specializes in miracles, bringing triumph from tragedy and light from the darkest times. Take heart—He is always at work, even in the most difficult situations.

Seasons Are Building Blocks

One of my favorite quotes says, “Seasons are like spices that add value to our lives.” How true this is! As we walk with God, every experience we go through adds flavor to the journey of life. These seasons, though varied and sometimes challenging, come together to form God’s masterpiece. You are His masterpiece, carefully and purposefully crafted. To truly live out this truth, you must first believe it. First, believe who you are in Him, and then you’ll see that truth manifest in your life.

As Solomon wisely said, “There is a season for everything.” The situation you’re facing now is just one of those seasons, carrying a unique recipe tailored specifically for you. God knows exactly what ingredients are needed to bring out the best in you. I remember a pivotal moment in my life when I prayed to God with a heart full of desire. I asked Him to empower me to empower others. At the time, I didn’t fully grasp the weight of that prayer. Little did I know, God was faithful to answer, and His answer would lead me through seasons of growth, challenge, and transformation.

Be Careful What You Ask For

Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it. When our prayers align with God’s will, He listens and responds. In His faithfulness, He not only hears our requests but also prepares us to receive the things we desire. This often means walking through seasons that shape us into vessels ready to carry out His purposes.

Looking back, I see how that single prayer set the stage for many seasons of my life. There were moments of stripping when I had to let go of my own plans to lean entirely on God. Yet, each season has been a building block, shaping me into who I am today. These experiences have taught me that even in brokenness, God is building something beautiful. Every step of the way, He has been preparing me to fulfill the calling He placed on my heart.

Whatever season you’re in, trust that God is working in you and through you. These moments, even the hard ones, are adding value to your life and helping to create the masterpiece He designed you to be.

My Struggles Have Made Me Much More Valuable

Today, I’ve had the privilege of writing two books and hundreds of blogs, each crafted with the hope of inspiring and encouraging others. I am also the co-host of The Healing Time Podcast, a platform dedicated to helping broken people find healing. By God’s grace, people from all over the world have shared how much my blogs have blessed them. We’ve also received incredible feedback from listeners of The Healing Time Podcast. I share this not to boast, but to illustrate the truth: seasons are like spices, adding value and richness to our lives.

Perhaps you are walking through your own difficult seasons right now. They may also feel like they’re crucifying you daily. Be encouraged. These seasons, while painful, are necessary to bring you to the place God has prepared for you. Never forget that God uses our broken pieces as His building blocks. Consider this: a person without experience often has little to offer to the world. Our challenges, however, equip us with wisdom and resilience, allowing us to make a meaningful impact.

Revelation 12:11 reminds us of the power of our testimony: “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” It’s through our experiences that we gain testimonies that empower us to overcome and help others do the same. How precious are the seasons that shape us and give us stories of victory to share. Trust the process, for your testimony will not only glorify God but also inspire and uplift those around you.

As a Master Architect, God Uses Our Broken Pieces As His Building Blocks

While God uses our broken pieces as His building blocks, He knows what He is doing. Building anything of value requires a certain level of skill and experience. A carpenter needs the expertise to lay blocks with precision, a car maker must master the art of assembly, and a writer has to wield words skillfully to create impact. Each requires time, knowledge, and a dedication to their craft.

In much the same way, a successful life requires the touch of an intelligent and masterful Architect. And who could be better qualified to build our lives than God Himself? God is the ultimate Builder, possessing unmatched experience, infinite wisdom, and expertise beyond human comprehension.

When we think about it, humans often struggle to build their own lives, let alone influence the lives of others in meaningful ways. Life itself is far too intricate for us to navigate alone. Only a skilled Builder who understands its deepest complexities can create something truly beautiful. That Builder is God. His omniscience—His all-knowing nature—means He sees the potential in us, even in our most broken state. He knows how to mine the gold within us, crafting something extraordinary out of what we might see as ordinary or broken.

The Bible reminds us in Colossians 1:17, “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” God’s omniscience and sustaining power make Him the only One capable of building lives that are strong, purposeful, and beautiful. Trust Him as the Architect of your life, for in His hands, your story will be nothing short of a masterpiece.

Give Your Broken Pieces to God

You must be fully convinced that God can and will use your broken pieces as His building blocks. The fact that God is such a masterful Builder means we can place our full trust in Him. Think about how we often delegate important tasks to individuals we trust, and how that trust is usually based on their proven track record. Trustworthiness is earned through consistent success, and when we consider God’s track record, it’s nothing short of perfect.

Reflect on the works of God: You and I are His special creations, masterpieces crafted with purpose. He formed the heavens and the earth and everything in them. The beauty and order we see around us are the results of His unmatched skill. Not only is He the Creator of all, but He has also never lost a battle, never faltered in a promise, and never failed in any of His works. His track record is flawless—100 percent success. If there’s anyone worthy of our trust to rebuild and restore our lives, it’s Him.

Give it as it is

The incredible truth is that we don’t have to hide our brokenness from God. We can lay every shattered piece at His feet and trust Him to build something beautiful. God’s faithfulness isn’t dependent on our actions or our worthiness. As the Bible says, “If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself” (2 Timothy 2:13). His faithfulness is rooted in His character—it’s who He is.

This means that no matter how broken you feel, God’s trustworthiness never wavers. He is near to the brokenhearted, close to those crushed in spirit, and He promises to never turn us away. When we surrender our brokenness to Him, He doesn’t discard it; instead, He reshapes it into something extraordinary. Trust Him with your life, for His hands are skilled, His heart is faithful, and His love is unchanging.

Congratulations to Never Giving Up

Congratulations on never giving up. You have held on to victory and overcame by the blood of the Lamb. The fact that you have come this far means that you have held on. It also means that you have the potential to go further. Consider that if the enemy could defeat you he would have done it long ago.

Keep Keeping On! You might feel that you have been overcome by the issues of life but the fact that you are still present, and going, means there is something to celebrate. You must celebrate the small steps you make in the right direction and the small victories you experience. It is these small steps and little victories that are the building blocks of your life.

As you go you should know that God knows how to connect broken pieces. God will use our ashes and make beauty. He uses the foolish things to confound the wise in the same way He washes dirty things and make them clean. He’ll turn messes into messages and anoint the weak with strength. Imagine what God will also do to you as you walk with Him in your brokenness.

The fact that you have come this far is enough reason to keep going. You have come too far to give up now. You’ve had enough in you to get to this point and you have what it takes to keep going. For sure, as your remain attached to the true Vine, you’ll result in someone beautiful.

Set Backs Can Be Comebacks

As you hold on to God, trust that He will turn your setbacks into comebacks. This transformation becomes possible when you employ your faith. Faith is the perfect response to the challenges and setbacks you face. It empowers you to shift your perspective and embrace the assurance that God can turn every setback into a comeback that leaves you stronger, wiser, and more victorious than before.

There may be moments when your setbacks seem so overwhelming that a comeback feels impossible. Yet, as you place your trust in God, remember that He specializes in making the impossible possible. No matter how deep or hopeless your situation feels, God can work miracles in and through you.

Consider Lazarus, who was dead for four days. He had no power of his own to change his situation. Yet, Jesus Christ of Nazareth—full of power and authority—called him forth from the grave, giving him a comeback that glorified God. Lazarus’s story reminds us that even in the deadness of our circumstances, Christ holds the power to breathe life and bring restoration.

This same Jesus stands ready to raise you from the deadness of despair, brokenness, or failure. He is the ultimate comeback in every setback, and His power is unmatched. Won’t you trust Him with your life and circumstances? With faith as your anchor and God as your guide, your story will be rewritten in ways you never imagined possible. Your setback is not the end—it’s the setup for a divine comeback.

Final Thoughts

We can be assured that God uses broken pieces as His building blocks. Regardless of how impossible our situations might seem, Jesus Christ has power over all things, even the impossible. This means that you can trust Him as you walk with Him. When you do this you’ll live to see Him connecting your broken pieces to make His masterpiece.

Don’t give up.

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