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Trusting God by Faith: Navigating Life’s Challenges

Trusting God by Faith: Navigating Life’s Challenges

Trusting God

One of the most redeeming things we can do is trusting God by faith. As we do, He’ll elevate us in His purpose and bless us with His grace. To trust God is to rely on His faithfulness as He guides us to safety.

When we trust someone, we do not question their guidance or authority; instead, we find comfort in the knowledge of who they are. Trusting someone means believing in what they say and letting go of all conditions. It involves choosing to have confidence in the object of our trust.

The Bible instructs us to trust God in a similar manner. In Proverbs 3:5, it says that we must trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding. Without faith, we can never trust God in this way. It is often easier for us to trust the people we can see rather than the God we cannot see. As a result, it requires our faithfulness to genuinely trust in God.

When trusting God by faith, you must know Who God is

In order for us to trust God, we must have knowledge of who He is. The Scriptures provide a detailed description of God. He is love, merciful, true, compassionate, and all-knowing. God is ever-present, ever-active, and always in control.

See also; How to Trust God as You Go

In Exodus 34:6-7, we learn about the nature of our God. The verse reads: “And He passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, ‘The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.’”

God is true concerning His Word

God is faithful and true. As we read and learn about Him, our trust in Him deepens. In my personal experience, I have found that the best way to trust God is to walk with Him.

As we walk with God, we come to understand the truth of what He says about Himself. We learn that God is love, that He is compassionate, and that He always comes through. Reflecting on my own life, I can honestly say there are hardly any unanswered prayers. God is incredibly faithful to His Word.

As We Conclude

My encouragement is that we trust God in the midst of what’s going on. It may seem as if we are stuck—and perhaps we are. Our lives might appear to be falling apart. However, we should never rely solely on our own sight, as we often have a limited perspective. Instead, we must trust in God’s eternal vision, which sees all things at once.

We may perceive the situation, but God is in the business of revelation. Often, we feel the pain from life’s encounters, yet God is working out His power within us. As you move forward, have faith in the eternal God and trust Him, no matter what. Be blessed!

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