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The Master’s Plan

The Master’s Plan

For I know that plans I have for you, God says, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.

Perhaps the best news to hear is that you are a plan by a Master Architect who cannot go wrong. It is Gospel for us to hear that the God of the universe personally knows the smallest details of our lives. The book of Jeremiah explains this to us in chapter 29:11. What the book is saying is that God has a plan.Not that He knows the plan He will be making, but it is that He knows the plans He has.

God knows

God Knows The Plans He Has For You. When I was growing up my Father was my hero. I admired my father so much that I wanted to do everything like him. My father had all my trust and I felt protected whenever I was around him.If my father told me he had it all together I took him at his word and I would never worry.

It was  easy for me to trust a fallible man with such an infallible trust but the real question is “am I able to trust the infallible God as a fallible man.” I was able to trust the direction of a man but am I able to trust the leading of a God I never see.

As I advance on my way, I realize why the Bible clearly states that without faith it is impossible to please God. In the natural it might seem like God lied to us when He said He knows the plans. With natural eyes we can never see God or even begin to trust Him . Faith nonetheless will show us the invisible steps God has put under our feet to hold us up. 

As we are faithful, we will see in the distance beyond the dark fogs of the principalities that exist. Our faithfulness will also be our evidence that God is indeed walking with us and that we are never alone. Consider this truth and digest it in your spirit, that without faith it is indeed impossible to please God.

The Lord Said It.

More important than words spoken is the person that spoke those words. A good message is Gospel to a broken soul, but what is more important than a good message is the one who sends the message. It is very important for us to read this part of the scripture paying keen attention. It is the Lord that said these words.God  The Almighty said, I know the plans I have for you. 

Can we trust God? I say we can and undoubtedly we must. The Bible says every word of God is pure and these are pure words spoken by an infallible God to a people in need of such words.Let us never lose track of this truth. Truth is,God knows the plans he has set for us even before the beginning of the world. If the Lord says it, then as He is, so it is.

Plans To Prosper You and Not to harm you, to Give You A Future and a Hope.

There is great security in the word of God. The Bible says that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. God said that He wants to give us a future, and not only any future but a future full of hope and endless possibilities. God is a Life Giver and His words give life. With all this said, we can trust in the word of God.

Sometimes it might seem that things are falling apart. However, what seems to be falling apart is the wisdom of God working things out for your good. What seems as if is very personal to us, but what is is set by the Almighty God. 

One the road to calvary it seemed as if there was not future for the Lord Jesus Christ. They brought him to the cross and crucified Him in an apparent heathen victory. With faith one could see beyond that darkness, and behold the resurrection that was coming. A resurrection so great that it is enough to give all humanity power over death.

As We Conclude.

 I Implore you to believe these words that were spoken long ago. The Lord has a plan for you. You must walk each day knowing that your steps are ordered by a God who knows the plans He has for you. Plans to prosper you and to give you a bright and hopeful future. Let us believe this not only from our lips but from deep within our spirits. 

May God continue to give you life and more importantly may you trust God and surrender to his leading. Be Blessed!


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