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It is possible to love in the most impossible situations

It is possible to love in the most impossible situations


It is very hard to love in impossible situations, yet it is a Godly requirement. The Bible instructs us to love one another. This means that regardless of how we feel or what we think, loving is a must. In fact, the Bible also says that Love is the fulfillment of the law and that God is love. Therefore, as we seek to be like God, we should also love others like He does. 

An impossible situation is one in which we have been hurt so deeply that we are not able to love with our own strength. It is a point of brokenness, where we are not able to operate effectively on our own. The good news is that with God all things are possible, even loving when it seems impossible.

There are some people that we have decided that we can never love, but this is when we look from a carnal perspective. With God, as the Bible says, all things are possible.

With God All Things Are Possible

But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Most times the reason why it is so hard to love others in impossible situations is because we try with our own strength. We must understand that It is humanly impossible to love in impossible situations. These situations require divine strength that only comes from the hands of God.  It can be frustrating trying to love people who have done us great harm. This is because as the title suggests – it’s an impossible situation. 

Many times, we write off others based on what they have done to us. This is especially true when the wounds continue to burn. During these times, it can be difficult to love, and we may find it easier to cling to unforgiveness. Yet, in impossible situations, we have the perfect opportunity to be like God. It often requires our crucifixion in order to be resurrected in the likeness of God. As Christ marched to the cross, it was inevitable for Him to die in order to be resurrected with all power. It is this resurrection that enables us to love others in impossible situations.

When we are deeply bruised, unforgiveness can become our best friend, creating a bitter stain of sin. We must seek to forgive by all means necessary, as forgiveness is essential for moving forward with God. This is because forgiveness is a requirement of God.

There Is No Loving God Without Loving Others

If ye love me, keep my commandments. 16. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.

When we love others, we are following God’s commandment. By adhering to His commandments, we show our love for Him. Therefore, there is no loving God without also loving others. The Bible clearly instructs us to love one another because love is the fulfillment of the law. This means that as we seek to love others, even when it seems impossible, we should not focus on what they have done to us but rather on God’s commandment. If we truly love God, we will follow His Word.

Many times, the reason loving others in impossible situations can be so hard is that we focus on the wrongs done to us. In doing so, we are living according to the flesh, which is the enemy of God. If we constantly seek to follow the Word of God, we will also constantly strive to love others—regardless of the enormity of the wrong they have done. When we live according to the flesh, revenge becomes our aim, and an eye for an eye becomes our philosophy. However, as we follow Jesus Christ, we learn to turn the other cheek and walk in the footsteps of the cross.

It's Not Easy To Love In Impossible Situations

It’s not easy to love someone who has caused us great hurt. This is often easier said than done. Even as I write this blog, I find myself needing to command my heart to love those whom I believe have caused me significant harm. The person who urges us to hold onto grudges must be the one we put on the cross to be crucified. This part of us must die for the resurrecting power of God to take root within us. The good news is that it is possible to love others, even when it seems most impossible.

Love Never Fails

As we seek to love, we must understand that love never fails. It makes sense that because God is Love, love can never fail. When we strive to love others in seemingly impossible situations, we must depend on God. The Bible tells us that we have a Comforter who will assist us in our time of need. This Comforter is the Spirit of God. When we rely on the Spirit, He will help us fulfill our godly requirement.

What does the Bible mean when it says love never fails? It means that regardless of the opposition we face or the great difficulty in loving others, if we follow love, we will surely be victorious. Following the Word of God will empower us with the strength needed to love others, even when it seems impossible.

As We Conclude

We have learned that when it is difficult to love others, God can help us. Amidst the challenging task of loving those who have done us great harm, God enables us to do so. We can depend on and trust that He will empower us with the divine strength required to love one another.

As we move forward, we should seek to follow the Word of God rather than relying on how we feel or what we think. We must understand that loving others is not about them; it is a requirement of God. When we grasp this truth, we will be better equipped to follow Him. It is indeed possible to love others in the most impossible situations. May you depend on God to help you accomplish the impossible. Be blessed!

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