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Do You Struggle With The Spirit Of Forgetfulness? Here’s How To Defeat It.

Do You Struggle With The Spirit Of Forgetfulness? Here’s How To Defeat It.


Letting go holds incredible power, but there are certain things we must cling to no matter the circumstances. We should release what holds us back and grasp tightly to what propels us forward. However, we must also be wary of the Spirit of Forgetfulness—a force that makes us anxious about the future while wasting away in the present. It leads us to forget God’s amazing works in our lives and His promises. But it doesn’t have to be this way. The reality is that we are always just one thought away from victory. Our thoughts are so powerful that they can transform our lives for better or worse.

I believe one of the greatest mistakes we make in our struggles is forgetting the God who has been with us from the beginning. As we journey through the rough terrain of our brokenness, we often lose sight of what God is capable of. This happens because we allow negative circumstances to overshadow His goodness. It reminds me of the story of Elijah fleeing from Jezebel. After witnessing the miraculous power of God on Mount Carmel, where he saw God’s mighty hand at work, Elijah still found himself running in fear. Did Elijah not realize that the same God who showed His power on Mount Carmel was more than able to defeat Jezebel as well?

He Will Never Leave You Or Forsake You 

The wonderful thing is that God has promised that He will never leave us or forsake us. God has also made many other wonderful promises towards us that will keep us hoping even when it doesn’t make sense. The truth is that God makes hope make sense because He is our living hope.

In this blog, I want to share some strategies you can use to overcome the spirit of forgetfulness. These strategies will help you combat the enemy’s attacks and stay rooted in God’s promises. Remember, Satan is real, and his attacks can be brutal, but God is even more real and mighty to save. No attack from the enemy can stop you from stepping into the abundant life that God has promised. Let’s dive deeper into these strategies and learn how to stay focused on His goodness.

Knowing God Truly

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

To defeat the spirit of forgetfulness, we must develop a personal, intimate and strong relationship with God. We must be assured of the faithful presence of our Lord and that He rewards those who trust Him by faith. Most often it is when we forget who God is that we struggle the most. Because of this, the enemy attacks us with circumstances, trying to prevent us from keeping our eyes on God. Yet we must constantly remind ourselves of who God is and what He is capable of. God is our Saviour, Deliverer and Restorer. He keeps us in the palm of His hands. It is also amazing that God has never lost a battle or succumb to a war. 

When we know who God is then we will also know that He is able to do even what seems impossible for us. God wants to do good things for our lives and make then better. To know God is to be assured that all His promises are available to you. If we look at the promises of God we will realize that they cater to every difficulty we might experience. When we feel afraid God promised He will never leave us of forsake us.  In our restlessness we can be confident that God provides rest for our souls.

Hide The Word In Your Heart

Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.

I remember back in school we use to have many exams. One thing I had to do was to study hard and try to remember the things I studied. If I couldn’t remember these things then I wouldn’t be able to pass my exams. Consider our walk with God in a similar way, where we have to remember God’s goodness and His promises towards us. By doing this we will allow the continuous free flow of God’s grace towards us.

Life is like a test that constantly prepares us to overcome the battles we will face. The truth is that we cannot escape the battles of life but we can prepare for them and defeat our enemy. It is also true that our difficult moments prepare us for the rocky roads ahead.

In Psalm 119:11 the Psalmist tells us that we can hide the Word of God in our hearts. As we go we should learn to do the same. We must hide the Word of God in our hearts that we can use it as armaments in our battles. The scripture tells us that every Word of God is pure, and that He will be our shield as we call on Him. Being mindful of this, we should forever remember the Word of God. This Word will be a lamp to our feet that lights our way.

When you struggle with the Spirit of Forgetfulness Think On Things You Want To Remember

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things

We must be deliberate in thinking about the right things. This is because as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Always remember that you will most times remember the things you think about on a regular basis. Our memory recalls what it has been fed with. Thinking is like sowing seeds. When we think a bad thought we sow a bad seed and when we think good thoughts we sow good seeds. As a result we should make it our top priority to think right.

Once in my life I didn’t do this. I thought on the things that I didn’t want to happen. As I did this, my whole life became a mess. All the things that I thought about became a reality in my life, and they were not good things. This proved to me that there is power in thinking right, on the things we want to happen in our lives. During this time I discovered that a healthy Godly mindset is the leader of a healthy, effective and Godly life.

Perhaps that’s why the Bible encourages us in Philippians 4 to think on things that are pure, lovely and of a good report. Paul was basically telling us to think on Godly things. Pause for a little and consider the life giving power of our thoughts. Your thoughts can literally change you.

Keep Sharpening With Prayer and Praise

Difficult moments prepare us for the rocky roads ahead.

As we seek to remember God’s goodness, we must never forget about the power of prayer and praise. Our prayers keep us connected with God and our praises acknowledge how we regard Him as our Great High Priest. When we pray and praise we work miracles in the spiritual realm. 

As Paul and Silas were surrounded by prison walls the Bible says that they dwelt in prayer and praise. They were thrown into prison for preaching the Gospel and were beaten very badly. Yet all this didn’t prevent them from prayer and praise. Many times it is when we have passed through the most difficult times that we struggle with the spirit of forgetfulness. When we have been deeply battered we often become so tired that we forget. Yet as we continue to pray and praise we will stay connected to our God who is our Redeemer and strength. Prayer and praise quicken our spirits to be more like God.

When Paul and Silas prayed the Bible says that the prison walls that held them were opened. Even their chains fell off. Imagine if we should be like Paul and Silas! Don’t you think that the same God then is the same God now? The same God who rescued Paul and Silas will rescue you as you continue to pray and to praise.

Be Faithful Like God

God is faithful. The very idea of God demands His faithfulness. For God to be God He has to be faithful. As we struggle with the spirit of forgetfulness, we fail to remember God’s faithfulness. Yet the scripture says that even when we are faithless He remains faithful. God’s faithfulness does not depend on us but on who He is. He is just a faithful God. Even when we forget God He remembers us. When our backs are against the wall, He is the wall against our backs.

Don’t give up. As you continue to rely on God’s faithfulness He will come through for you every time. As David was tasked with defeating Goliath, He found strength in the memory of God’s faithfulness. The scripture says “David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee.” David remembered the times when God was faithful and he relied on this faithfulness. 

Now it is your turn to rely on God’s faithfulness. The same God who was there for you in the past is present with you and will be with you always. Be keen to never ever forget this truth.

Concluding Thoughts

As we grow into the people God has called us to be, we often face struggles with the spirit of forgetfulness. This spirit tries to make us lose sight of God’s faithful presence in our lives. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We must intentionally bring to remembrance the good, wonderful, and lovely works of God. The truth is, whatever we continually feed our minds with, we will remember and, ultimately, become. Therefore, it’s crucial to focus our minds on the things we want to hold on to and the people we want to become.

There are powerful actions you can take to overcome this spirit of forgetfulness. You can pray and praise, like Paul and Silas, even in the midst of trials. Or follow the example of the Psalmist, who hid God’s Word in his heart. Walking by faith and not by sight is another crucial step. When you practice these things, the power of God will strengthen your spirit, making you more like Him.

Keep pressing forward. You cannot give up in your walk with God. Continuously remind yourself that if God is with you, no force—even the spirit of forgetfulness—can defeat you. Stay encouraged, and God bless you.

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