When you fall, you can rise again and claim victory in the spirit. No matter how far you’ve fallen, you can always look up and get up. This is because the power to rise is already within you. The next time you feel overwhelmed by your circumstances, remember that just as the sun rises each morning without fail, you too have the power to rise—again and again.
The truth about you is that you can overcome every challenge because of your God-given ability to rise. Whether you believe it or not, the truth of who you are remains unchanged. You were created in the image of God and carry within you the resurrection power to rise from any dead place.
Maybe you’re walking through a dead place, where the deserts of life try to suppress you. Take heart and be encouraged! Hold on to courage and never lose hope. As you thirst for the refreshing water of life, remember you are stronger than your toughest enemies. Even when it feels like you’re down and out, you have the power to reboot your engine and soar again.
There’s a powerful Mexican proverb that says, “They tried to bury me, but they didn’t know I was a seed.” For us, we are much like seeds. When placed in the dark, we get the greatest opportunity to germinate, and rise again.
Broken Crayons Still Colour
You may feel so broken that you’ve lost your ability to shine. But don’t give up. Know that you can shine like a star! Remember, broken crayons can still create beautiful masterpieces. It’s not about your brokenness, but about the vibrant colour that still resides within you. In the same way, it’s not about how broken you may feel but about the indestructible power present within you.
Think about the difficult times we all endure, and reflect on the brokenness that often accompanies them. Even in the most challenging and overwhelming moments, our power is there. It is waiting to be rediscovered—because it has always been there. Just as a sleeping lion is still a lion, no matter how long it sleeps, the dormant power within us doesn’t diminish its presence or its truth.
The choice is ours: will we remain as sleeping lions, or will we awaken and walk in that power? As long as we have breath, let us rise to meet the challenges before us. We can then flourish in the purpose God has designed for us.
God is the basis of our power
To put it simply, “God is the source of our power.” The foundation of who we are and the pinnacle upon which we are being built is the Great and Almighty God. The truth is, we can never lose our power if we never lose our connection to God. Why? Because God, the source of our power, is always with us.
Isn’t it a sweet Gospel truth that the God who promised to be with us is also the source of our strength? This means that in every challenge, every trial, and every setback, through Him we can claim victory in the spirit. The power to overcome is not ours alone but is rooted in the presence of God who sustains us.
The scripture reminds us:
“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” –Deuteronomy 31:6
When we stand on this promise, we are reminded that God is both our strength and our shield. No matter the battle, we can rise, reclaim, and move forward, knowing that victory is already ours through Him.
Strength is ours to discover
In Ontario, a common slogan is “Ontario, Yours to Discover.” The idea is simple: Ontario is always there, but it’s up to you to explore and experience it. Your lack of discovery doesn’t diminish Ontario’s presence—it remains steadfast, waiting to be uncovered.
In the same way, think about your strength. It is always there, ready and waiting for you to discover. Your failure to recognize or tap into your strength doesn’t take it away; it remains within you, unwavering and intact. You possess divine strength at all times, whether you believe in it, use it, or not. It’s a gift from God, always present and waiting for you to claim.
You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only option you have.
Bob Marley Tweet
The truth is that we are far more powerful than we can even begin to imagine. Power is not merely a choice; it is our birthright. While we often readily embrace the earthly traits we inherit, it can take greater effort to fully accept the spiritual inheritance from our Heavenly Father.
Yet, we must understand this: we have the power to rise because we carry within us the resurrection power of Christ. This divine inheritance is always present within us, waiting to be claimed. When we recognize and claim victory in the spirit, we step into the freedom and strength that are rightfully ours. It is this truth—the truth of who we are and what we possess—that has the power to set us free.

Be Empowered to go on
One thing about writing is that I rarely get to see who reads my words, yet I implore you—whoever is reading this message—to be empowered and press on! Life is unpredictable, and even the strongest and most remarkable people will face unimaginable challenges. Yet, the incredible truth about us is that we are like seeds that germinate in the dark soil. No matter how hard or uncertain the path may be, we have the unwavering power of God to rise again.
Our troubles are as unique as our faces, and in a world that is deeply broken and stained with turmoil, the perils we face can feel overwhelming. Perhaps you are walking through the valley of death—do not fear, for the Lord is with you. Or maybe you feel lost in a sea of confusion—still, I encourage you to discover your power and rise.
Remember, it is not by your own strength that you endure. It is through the boundless strength and grace of God that you are able to move from victory to victory and from glory to glory. Take courage in knowing that His power is always with you, enabling you to rise above every challenge.
As we conclude
A meaningful activity to consider is sitting quietly and meditating on the scripture: “My help cometh from the Lord” – Psalm 121:2. This powerful truth reminds us of the ultimate source of our strength.
It’s true that we can grow weary—even the strongest among us do. Yet, if we wait on the Lord and depend on Him, we can claim victory in the spirit in every circumstance. He will never disappoint us.
As you go, let this truth remind you of the constant strength within you. Rise above your challenges, walk confidently in God’s grace, and claim the victory that is already yours. God bless you!