‘Still I Stand’
Still I stand, anchored by His Spirit,
Pressed on every side, yet I will never quit.
Christ is my resurrection, death is gone away,
Christ is my perfection, I sit and I pray…
I hold, constrained by His hands,
Tamed by His love, I adapt to His plans.
‘Woe is me, ‘I am utterly undone,
So I rest, rooted deeply, I rest in His Son…
He chastens me, He renders His rebuke,
I can’t unwind such paradox; He feeds me in the brook…
He leads me to perfection; OH, I bawl,
He quenches deep, my soul He keeps; I’m led by His holy haul…
I thank my God, I hope in His grace,
Tilled in my soil, for sure, for sure, I’ll see His face!
I cry at my Saviour, ‘how long, my Christ how long?’
Lord I’ve been weak, but forever You are strong!