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5 Of The Most Controversial Bible Topics Often Avoided

5 Of The Most Controversial Bible Topics Often Avoided

Controversial Bible Topics

There are controversial Bible topics that are often avoided. These topics are usually subjects of major debates both in and outside the church.

The Bible is the cornerstone of Christian faith, yet some of its teachings can be challenging, even controversial. While many believers focus on comforting or familiar aspects of Scripture, there are certain topics that tend to be avoided due to their complexity or the discomfort they evoke in modern culture. 

These subjects, however, are crucial to a deeper understanding of Biblical truth. They are important because they are also a part of the pure and Word of God. There is no true way to follow God and not follow His Word. 

In this blog, we will explore five of the most controversial Bible topics that are often avoided. These topics are vital to our faith and understanding of God’s Word.

Our interpretation doesn't take away the truth

The way we interpret the Bible is crucial, as our entire Christian faith depends on accurately understanding God’s Word. Misinterpreting Scripture doesn’t remove our responsibility to follow it, nor does it protect us from the consequences of misunderstanding. Satan seeks to distort the meaning of God’s Word, encouraging personal interpretations, but God’s truth remains absolute.

There have been countless scholars and theologians that have sought to bring a modern understanding to Scripture. Yet, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. The truth of Scripture has remained constant throughout the ages. This means that we need to get the right understanding, regardless of what we think, feel, or are comfortable with.

On this note, let us look at these topics a little further and seek the truth of God’s Word.

5 of the Most Controversial Bible Topics Often Ignored

1. Hell and Eternal Punishment

“Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” (Matthew 25:46)

One of the most difficult and controversial bible topics is the reality of hell and eternal punishment. The Bible speaks clearly about hell as a place of eternal separation from God for those who reject Him, yet it is a subject that many people find uncomfortable. As a result, some prefer to emphasize God’s love and mercy while downplaying or ignoring the concept of hell entirely. 

Taking this approach can be very detrimental to both the saved and the unsaved. Consider the one who is avoiding the topic of hell while walking into it. Will this person’s ignorance save him or her from eternal damnation?

The Bible Remains Consistent

When it comes to the concept of hell and eternal punishment, the Bible remains consistent. According to the Bible, hell is the consequence of sin. Ignoring this teaching may lead to a watered-down version of the Gospel, one that overlooks the importance of salvation and the seriousness of rejecting God’s grace. It is important to wrestle with these difficult concepts, understanding that hell is not a reflection of God’s cruelty, but of His justice and holiness.

This concept of hell raises profound moral and theological questions. How can a loving God allow people to suffer eternally? Why does the Bible describe such a place of torment? For some, these questions lead to attempts to reinterpret or even deny the existence of hell, favoring a more inclusive or universalist theology that suggests all people will eventually be reconciled to God.


2. Predestination Vrs Free Will

“For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son.”

The debate over predestination and free will has been a central theological discussion for centuries, and it remains one of the most divisive topics within Christianity. The tension lies between God’s sovereignty and human responsibility—how can God predestine people for salvation or judgment, while still holding individuals accountable for their choices?

Many Christians find this topic difficult to reconcile. Some embrace a view that God has predestined certain individuals for salvation, while others support one that emphasizes human free will and the ability to choose or reject God’s gift of salvation.

Regardless of the position one takes, the Bible makes it clear that God is both sovereign and loving, desiring that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9). However, it also teaches that we are accountable for our actions and must make a personal decision to follow Christ. This balance between predestination and free will is complex, but it challenges us to dig deeper into the nature of God’s grace, mercy, and justice. Ultimately, God is a righteous Judge who will reward each person according to their actions, based on His perfect judgment.

3. Role of Women in the Church

“I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.” 13. For Adam was formed first, then Eve.

Another one of the controversial Bible topics often debated is the role of women in the church. Scripture contains passages that seem to restrict women’s roles in leadership and teaching, which has led to various interpretations and practices in different Christian denominations. As society progresses towards gender equality and femininity, these Biblical teachings can be viewed as outdated or even oppressive. Does human progress take away the Word of God?

Many believers struggle with these verses, asking how they align with the broader message of the Bible, which affirms the inherent worth and dignity of all people, regardless of gender (Galatians 3:28). Some argue that these verses reflect cultural norms of the time and should not be applied to modern-day church practices, while others hold that they are timeless instructions from God. 

The Scripture in 1 Timothy 2 seems to be a timeless one, due to the reasoning of the Scripture. Adam was formed before Eve regardless of how we would want to interpret or change it. So what does this mean for the countless congregations who think otherwise? 

4. Divorce and Remarriage

“To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife” (1 Corinthians 7:10-11).

A lot of marriages usually end in divorce. This is partly due to the complexity of marriages and the fact that satan hates them. Nonetheless, every healthy society must have healthy Godly marriages. Perhaps this is why the Bible says, God hates divorce. Maybe it is because He knows the effects that it can have on the church and the world at large. Also, this might be the reason satan hates marriages. 

We must recognize that some marriages are unsafe for those involved. Certain relationships can be so harmful that they risk destroying the individuals within them. This is why seeking God’s guidance in marriage is essential. In such situations, the Bible allows for separation, and in some cases, divorce is also permitted.

In 1 Timothy 6, God provides clear guidance on the issues of marriage, separation, divorce, and reconciliation. It is our personal responsibility to understand and obey His instructions. Despite these clear commands, believers often interpret them differently. Some argue that there are more reasons for divorce and remarriage than what the Bible outlines, while others feel that modern times call for updated interpretations of these controversial topics. However, the eternal truth of God’s Word remains unchanging and constant.

5. Sexual Morality

For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.

Sexual ethics are another highly controversial and often ignored topic, especially when it comes to the Bible’s teachings on issues like homosexuality, adultery, and premarital sex. In a society that increasingly embraces sexual freedom and individual autonomy, Biblical teachings on sexual morality are frequently seen as restrictive or out of touch. Yet, God’s Word is timeless and stand for all people of all ages.

The Bible holds a high standard for sexual conduct, consistently framing it within the context of marriage between one man and one woman. This can be a challenging teaching in today’s world, where alternative sexual lifestyles and relationships are increasingly normalized.

Many churches choose to avoid these topics entirely to prevent division or discomfort among congregants. However, Scripture calls believers to uphold God’s design for human sexuality, even when it goes against cultural trends. Ignoring or redefining Biblical teachings on sexual morality compromises the integrity of the Gospel and hinders our witness to a watching world.

Concluding Thoughts

Each of these controversial topics—hell, predestination, women’s roles, sexual morality, and marriage and divorce —forces us to confront difficult aspects of our faith and worldview. While it may be tempting to avoid these subjects, engaging with them allows us to grow in understanding and maturity as believers. 

The Bible calls us not to shy away from hard truths but to embrace the fullness of God’s Word, trusting that His wisdom surpasses our limited perspective. As we seek to follow Christ, let’s not ignore these challenging topics but rather face them head-on, allowing Scripture to shape our lives and our communities.

May God bless you.

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