Powered to Empower Videos
These scriptures remind us of who we are in Jesus Christ. We are reminded that our identities are found in the Word of God and not in any other place. As you meditate on these scriptures, let them empower you to your place of power in the Great God. Be Blessed!
7 Biblical Affirmations You Should Be Reciting Daily
The following are seven Biblical affirmations that will remind you of your true human identity and the power you have within you. It speaks about the promises of God and His provisions towards His people.
10 Inspiring Bible Verses
The following 10 scriptures will inspire to keep going on, no matter what. They will remind you that in your darkest days, it is the Lord that gives you strength. Be blessed!
10 Bible Verses On Joy
This Video Lists out 10 Bible verses on Joy, that we are sure will give you a jubilant spirit. Watch and be blessed.
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