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Trusting The Process: How To Hold On When Falling Apart

Trusting The Process: How To Hold On When Falling Apart

Trust The Process of God

As we walk by faith we learn to trust the process of God—the journey He has called us to embark on. Jesus said to His disciples, “Follow me.” One by one, they left what they were doing and followed Him. In doing so, they abandoned their old ways of thinking and walked in step with Jesus, trusting Him to lead them wherever He went. They believed that by leaving behind their past lives, Jesus would offer them something greater. What they were truly doing was trusting the process. Though they didn’t fully understand it, they trusted the One who was in charge.

We must learn to do the same. The Bible says that He has called us out of darkness into His wonderful light. As we are called out of darkness we must be keen to follow the light.

We must learn to do the same. The Bible tells us that He has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. As we are called out of darkness, we must be diligent in following that light.

Trusting When You Don’t Understand

It’s not easy to trust a process we don’t understand. Trust is often built on knowing what’s happening, yet walking with God requires us to trust Him even when we lack understanding. The reality is, most of the time, we won’t fully grasp what God is doing in our lives. Scripture says, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” This teaches us that God’s ways are far beyond the limits of our understanding.

When we don’t understand, our next alternative is to trust the process of God. That’s why the Bible says “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” As we walk with God He’ll teach us how to trust Him. We often tend to want to have full control but when trusting God we have to give Him control. 

We have to submit to His leading regardless of what we think about what is going on. When we understand that we don’t understand then we will not rely on our own understanding. This will cause us to rely on God who understands all things.

As I am writing this blog, I find myself constantly praying in my heart, “God, please tell me what to write.” I don’t always know where my writing will lead, but I trust that as I open my heart to God’s guidance, He will fill it with His words, allowing me to continue. This is much like our walk with God. Often, we cannot see the next step, yet by faith, we must step out and keep walking, trusting that He will guide us along the way.

God Is At The Steering Wheel Of Our Lives

It often terrifies me to travel on a plane. It just seems risky. Think about it—when we board a plane, we have no clue about the mental state of the pilot. We trust that they are of sound mind and will remain so throughout the flight. Not only that, but we also trust that the maintenance team has done their job well to ensure the plane is safe for takeoff. We place our faith in a stranger we usually know nothing about, and yet millions of people fly every day without hesitation.

What puzzles me is how easily we trust human beings over God. I often catch myself doing this. Right now, I’m sitting in a chair that was built by a person (or perhaps a machine). Not once have I questioned whether the chair might collapse. I trust the chair so much that I don’t even consider the possibility of it breaking. Does this happen to you, too? How much more trustworthy is God, the One who created the person who made the chair?

God Is At The Steering Wheel

Imagine God as the pilot of our lives, guiding us through every journey. He is before all things, and in Him, everything holds together. As we embark on our flights with Him, we must learn to relax, be still, and let go of control. Trusting Him should come more naturally than trusting people, for He is the source of all security.

When we encounter turbulence, we can rest in the assurance that our Pilot has power over even the strongest storms. In Matthew 8, the disciples found themselves caught in a violent storm at sea. Jesus, however, was asleep in the boat. Panicked, they woke Him, desperate for help. When He arose, He rebuked the winds and the waves, and the storm ceased. The disciples, amazed, said, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey Him!

Our Savior has authority over every wind and wave that tries to overwhelm us. It is in this God, who commands the storms, that we must place our trust.

Trust The Process

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Sometime I am so clueless that I want to just give up. Many times giving up keeps knocking at my door. Yet I have to hold on no matter what. You too must do the same. Regardless of your lack of understanding you must hold on no matter what. Even unto death we must keep holding on. This takes a high level of trust that is often hard to come by. We often worry more than how we trust God. Nonetheless we must trust in God with our full heart. 

As Job was belittled by the issues of life, Job was severely attacked by the enemy. satan took everything from Job including his wealth, health and children. To make matters worse, Job’s friends also attacked him with misjudgements. Imagine going through the hardest time alone. Loneliness often hurts but it might be necessary to get the full revelation of God. It is often in the dark brood of a lonely place that God brings the best out of us.

As God tested Job, Job cursed everything including the day he was born. If you have ever been in the depths of despair then you’ll be able to sympathize with Job. I find that people who judge the most have not gone through the valley of the shadow of death. I have also found that the people who care the most are the ones who have been hurt the most. Hurting hearts can be the most caring hearts. Even though Job didn’t understand what was happening to him, he understood that God was in control. Job said “For He knows the way that I take.” This shows that Job understood that God understood. 

As we face our own affliction we should know with all our hearts that God knows the way that we take. When we know this we can trust the process of God knowing that He is in charge of all things.

Keep Praying

When we don’t understand we must pray. Prayer brings us into communication with the One who truly understands. God understands. He knows the very crevices of our pain and He is able to guide us to our victory. As we go and as the rivers flow, let us keep praying until God comes through for us.

It is sometimes hard to pray as we pass through troubling times. The enemy often wounds us so deeply that we lack the very energy required to pray. I have been there and so I understand this so very well. I also understand that even in our lowest moments we can and must pray. Even when we are taking our last breath it must be a breath of prayer. For sure God will be faithful to the ones who pray.

Rely On His Faithfulness

Teach me your way, LORD, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.

As we walk with God we must learn how to rely on His faithfulness. We most often learn that God is faithful after we have passed through troubled seas and made it out alive with more power. Power is often brewed in difficulty. We must be keen to recognize this while we trust the process of God.

As we fall apart we must understand that God’s faithfulness will not permit us to be destroyed. It is for His name’s sake that He will hold us together with His right hand. The scripture says that “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” God’s faithfulness is greater than our worry and our pain. His faithfulness relies on who He is and not our lack of understanding. 

To rely on the faithfulness of God is to trust the process we are in to the point where we have no worries. In Jamaica we say “No worries,” or “Every little thing is gonna be alright.” As we rely on His faithfulness we must be fully assured that every little thing is gonna be alright.

Concluding Thoughts

We have learnt that it is inevitable for us to trust the process of God even when we don’t understand. The truth is that God is at the steering wheel of our lives, and He is constantly guiding us to a wonderful place.

Trusting God requires us to follow Him in every way. As we follow God He promises to lead us beside still waters. Our duty is to rely on His faithfulness and to constantly pray. Prayer is key as we walk with God. May God strengthen us to be faithful followers. God bless you.

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