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Self Help: How To Identify Spiritual Stress And Relieve It

Self Help: How To Identify Spiritual Stress And Relieve It

Spiritual Self Help

You can self–check spiritual stress in order to relieve yourself of unnecessary burdens. As you do this, you’ll be set free to be God’s best. When your burdens feel heavy, remember that Christ’s yoke is light, and He can set you free from the weight that binds you.

We often grow accustomed to our troubles, mistakenly believing they are normal. Satan wants us to think this way, but God calls us to a different standard. Walking by faith means recognizing that anything outside of Him is not truly normal.

Conduct a Self-Help Check

Conducting a self-help check can help identify stress and find relief. We all cope with distress in different ways—some may resort to harmful habits, but the best approach is through faith. The Bible reminds us not to worry, as worry only brings harm. Instead, we should strive to let go of our worries entirely.

This it is easier said than done. It is easy to say “I can do it,” than to actually do it. Yet faith without work is dead. We must approach life faithfully no matter what it takes.

According to the World Health Organization, “Stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation.” Often, stress reflects the spiritual poverty we experience. In places where pain is relentless, we can feel weak—not just physically, but spiritually as well.

During these times, it’s easy to accept this state as normal, but God calls us to live by His standard of normal. His normal should be our normal. God’s normal is a life led by faith, not by sight.

Making God's Normal Your Normal

As we seek to self–check spiritual stress, let’s begin by discussing what is not normal as we walk with God. It is not normal to live without faith; we must be steadfast in our pursuit of Him. It’s also not normal to be consumed by worry or stress to the point where we neglect the work of God. Living daily at the mercy of the enemy is not the life God intends for us.

When you find yourself in these situations, recognize that this is not normal. Our true normal is to operate in the Living Hope and the abundant life God has called us to. While this may not eliminate our pain, it empowers us to endure it and draw strength from it. Remember, stress can drain our power if we allow it, but we can choose to find our strength in Him.

Many of our struggles arise when we try to conform God’s normal to our own. This is largely due to the nature of sin that we must confront to live as God desires. However, as we follow Him, we learn that God’s normal is to act on His commands and trust His promises. Faith without works is dead, and works without faith are also lifeless. We must believe in God and align our actions with His will, living by His standards.

Sometimes I wish I could escape the path of the cross, as the bruises can feel overwhelming. But as Jeremiah said, “His word is like a fire in me; I can’t run too far from it.” If you’ve felt this way, keep pressing on—never give up. In doing so, God’s normal will become your normal.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Steps to Self–Check Spiritual Stress and Relieve It.

1. Know Who You Are

The first step to self-checking spiritual stress is to know who you are. Many are destroyed by a lack of self-awareness, making it easy to become a puppet of the enemy. We must understand and believe what God says about us to relieve spiritual stress. This is a good stress reliever and will  also help us cultivate a good mental health.

You are more capable than you realize. Know your origins and potential. As Marcus Garvey said, “A people without knowledge of the past is twice defeated.” Don’t be like the foolish person; instead, embrace your identity as God’s masterpiece, fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. You are an overcomer by the blood of the Lamb, a royal priesthood, and a child of God.

This knowledge is crucial. Just as a professor must recognize their role to fulfill it, you must identify with who you are. Knowing your identity enables you to determine what you should and shouldn’t do. Remember, it’s not normal to act otherwise.

2. Know The Laws That Determine Your Normal

Every kingdom is governed by laws, and as citizens of the Kingdom of God, we are subject to spiritual laws that guide how we operate. These laws help reduce the spiritual stress we often face, especially when we stray from them.

The Word of God contains these laws, and we must know and internalize them. David said, “Thy Word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against You,” recognizing the power of God’s Word and its role in living a normal, righteous life. He was described as “a man after God’s own heart” because he sought God diligently.

We should make God’s law our standard of living, using His Word as a lamp to our paths. Our power lies in the Word, and understanding the spiritual nature of our walk with God is essential. The words we speak are spirit and sharper than any worry or pain, keeping us on God’s straight path.

By meditating on and living by this truth, we can significantly reduce spiritual stress and worry less.

3. Repent and turn towards the Light.

As we self-check spiritual stress, we must make repentance a habit. Repentance means changing your mind and adopting a new way of living. This should be our goal, as no child of God can truly follow darkness. While we may pass through dark times, we must always seek the Light.

Darkness is simply the absence of light; it doesn’t exist on its own. We can only turn off the light to create darkness, not the other way around. Jesus said He is the Light of the World, and it’s to this Light that we must turn during our self-checks. Often, our stress stems from remaining in darkness. As we reflect on our spiritual state, let’s commit to turning towards the Light.

4. Have Mercy On You

Don’t we all aspire to be like God? It’s our calling to reflect His nature. The Bible tells us that God’s mercies are new every morning, and we must strive to extend that mercy to ourselves. It’s easy to be hard on ourselves and feel condemned, but as we self-check our stress levels, we must practice self-compassion.

This isn’t a license to do wrong; rather, it’s essential for maintaining our spiritual well-being. We must love ourselves to truly love others, as the Bible instructs us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Understanding that we are human and experience emotions and stress prepares us for honest self-evaluation and the chance to straighten our paths. Though this process may be challenging, with God, all things are possible. He will help us be merciful and fulfill what He requires of us.

5. Be Thankful

As we assess our spiritual stress levels, it’s crucial to cultivate a spirit of thankfulness. Life happens to us all, and regardless of our circumstances, gratitude allows us to view our troubles from a new perspective.

Giving thanks is a vital spiritual practice when we week to self–check spiritual stress. Throughout Scripture, we see His servants expressing gratitude. David declared, “I will give You thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart.” Despite facing significant trials, David maintained an attitude of thankfulness.

Concluding Thoughts

We’ve learned that a self-check can help relieve spiritual stress. First, we must ensure we are living in God’s normal—walking by faith, not by sight. By following His Word in all things, we can significantly reduce our current stress and prevent future troubles.

Understanding who we are and what we are capable of is essential. When we embrace our true identity, we avoid the lies of the enemy, which lead to spiritual stress and ultimately death. Seeking true knowledge of ourselves and knowing the Word of God will guide us away from life’s worries.

The Bible reminds us not to worry, as it causes harm, including spiritual stress. Therefore, we must avoid worry at all costs.

As we self-check, let’s remember that God is able to help and sustain us along the way.

God bless you.

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