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Prayer That Works – How to Reach God.

Prayer That Works – How to Reach God.

How to reach God.

As we pray, we must understand how to reach God. Reaching Him requires more than just words; it involves praying with sincerity and faith. There is a specific way to pray that moves the heart of God and appeals to His love. Prayer must come from the depths of our hearts, demonstrating trust in His promises. When we align our prayers with His will and believe in His faithfulness, we open the way for God to move powerfully in our lives. Never forget—God is always near, listening intently for our faithful prayers.

The success of our prayers doesn’t lie in the multitude of words we speak, but in the sincerity of the heart from which we pray. A successful prayer is one that truly reaches God. The Bible provides clear guidance on how to reach God. It emphasizes the need for understanding His Divine Nature and His ways.

When we attempt to reach someone, we must first know where they are and understand their language. This will ensure effective communication.

God is within you

God is the King of Kings, and like any king, He lives in His Kingdom. The Bible clearly states that “the Kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21). So when we ask “how to reach God,” the answer is that God is within us.

20. And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21. Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

God, the Creator, made us in His image and dwells within that image. To communicate with Him, we must use faith—the language of God. The Bible says we must believe that God exists and rewards those who diligently seek Him. Faith is key to connecting with the God within you.

Our capacity to reach God is tied to our capacity to Believe that He is present. This means that the presence of God in our lives is in direct proportion to how much we think He is present in our lives.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

God is always present

The truth is that God is always present. When the issue of how to reach God arise, the problem is not about God being present (He is always present), but it is in how much we can partake of His presence – and become more like Him. As we become more like Him, our prayers become easy. 

In the truest sense, when we become more like God, we begin to live a life of prayer. When we look at Jesus, we see how natural and easy He communicated with the Father. Jesus knew how to reach God because He understood how to do it. He is the true example of the divine nature living in the human body, and we should seek to exemplify Him.

Jesus’ prayers were always in harmony with God’s purpose. He consistently prayed for the fulfillment of God’s will in His life. He demonstrated that the right way to pray is to align our desires with God’s divine plan. By doing so, we submit to His higher wisdom, trusting that His will is perfect and that our lives will reflect His purpose. This kind of prayer not only deepens our connection with God but also transforms us to live more like Christ.

The Prayer That Reaches God

To truly find God, we must look within ourselves. We are a reflection of Him and must express His nature in our lives. The prayer that reaches God is one filled with faith and aligned with His purpose. Without faith, our prayers go unheard, but a prayer of faith moves mountains.

The prayer that reaches God is one that is deeply infused with faith, drawing out His divine nature within us. This kind of prayer seeks not only personal desires but aligns with God’s purpose and will. When we pray with such faith, we become vessels through which God’s plan can unfold. When this happens, our prayers take on a greater, more transformative power. It is this faith-filled petitioning for God’s will that connects us to His presence and invites Him to work mightily in our lives.

Without faith our prayers will never be answered

When we pray in faith, the Bible says that we will be able to say to the mountain, be moved and the mountain will be moved.

A prayer of faith is so powerful that it cannot be denied. The Psalmist asks, “Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place?” The answer is found in those who have clean hands and a pure heart, individuals who are free from vanity and deceit. These are the ones able to stand in God’s presence, praying in alignment with His will. A heart of purity and truth, combined with faith, grants us access to His holy place and ensures our prayers are heard.

Pray with fervency

The one who prays with fervor will draw the grace of heaven. As we pray, it is more important to engage our hearts than merely clasping our hands, and to bow our spirits more than our knees. When we fully submit to the presence of the Almighty, He will lift us up.

Speak your prayers in the language of faith, and you will be heard. Stay blessed, and as you pray, always remember: never give up!

Concluding Thoughts

In conclusion, prayer is the key to deepening our relationship with God and aligning our lives with His divine will. To reach God effectively, we must pray with faith, fervor, and a heart fully submitted to His presence. 

As we pray, let our spirits bow in reverence and our words be filled with the heavenly language of faith. When we pray in this way, God hears us, and His grace works within us. Never lose hope—stay steadfast, knowing that through prayer, we connect with the Almighty who is always present. Be blessed, and never give up!

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