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Oh Holy Spirit: A Poem I Wrote by the Lakeside

Oh Holy Spirit: A Poem I Wrote by the Lakeside

Poem to Holy Spirit

This is a poem I wrote to Holy Spirit while visiting the lake one day. Often, it is in the tranquility of God’s wondrous creation that we most deeply rediscover ourselves. This is what I found by the lakeside, as I was enveloped by the peace and stillness of God’s presence.

“And the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form, like a dove; and a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” – Luke 3:22

The birds were singing, and the fierce rays of the sun bathed my soul in His Great Presence. The waters shimmered, reflecting the majesty of the heavens above.

In the grace of that moment, I felt the comforting presence of the Holy Spirit. I hope that as you read this poem to Holy Spirit, you will be inspired to spend time in nature and experience the abundant presence of God.

Read and be blessed.

Oh Holy Spirit

Pamper me, oh Holy Spirit,

Tinkle me, Most Holy Being.

Your glory Lord, take me in it,

To a land I’ve never been.


Splash on me, oh Fountain,

Please help me up this mountain.

For my praise digests in You,

And for my days I’ll rest in You.


My life is Yours, for You I live,

See this fractured heart I give.

See these tears running like a River,

Yet oh Holy Ghost, Your grace is like a siever.


I hear the birds pronouncing Your name,

And I see herds, doing the same.

As I hear the music of the thunders,

I’m embellished by Your Wonders.


Oh Comforter, hear my song I sing,

See these praises that I bring.

Pamper me, Most Holy Being,

Take me to a place, that I have never seen.

As the beauty of nature unfolds, it reminds us of God’s eternal presence and His hand in every detail of creation. Just as I found peace by the lakeside while writing this poem to Holy Spirit, I encourage you to seek moments of stillness in God’s creation. His voice speaks in the quiet and His love is reflected in every breeze, bird, and ray of sunlight. May this poem be a gentle reminder that in both the vastness and simplicity of nature, God is ever near, ready to refresh your spirit.

Be encouraged, and may His peace fill your heart.

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