There is one very important spiritual practice we must learn: to hear God in the silence. This is because there are times when it seems as though God is very distant. It is in these moments when God is silent that our faith is challenged the most.
As we feel helpless, we come to realize that if God doesn’t help us—we will not survive. In the solitude of silence, it may even seem as if He has forsaken us. But learning how to discern God’s voice is key to overcoming the moments when connecting with Him seems hard.
It is not that God has forsaken us; we simply need to learn how to hear Him. We must reach out with the hands of our faith and hold on to the voice of God to unveil what He is saying. This is vital because God speaks the word of life that sustains us.
It Can Be Difficult to Hear God's Voice
It is sometimes quite difficult to hear God’s voice, especially when we face life’s greatest trials. However, as we walk by faith, we grow more attuned to hearing Him and following His guidance.
We must die to ourselves for Christ to live in us. The old man of sin must perish for the new man in Christ to come alive. When this happens, hearing God will be like second nature to us.
Like gold refined by fire, we must be purified of all impurities. This process often unfolds in the solitude of silence—those moments when it seems we are all alone. But are we truly ever alone?
Scripture assures us that God, our Father, will never leave us or forsake us. Even when our earthly fathers fail us or leave, we can rest in the certainty that our heavenly Father is faithful to the very end.
God’s Ears Can Hear Us
When our longing for God feels endless, we must remember that His ears are never too heavy to hear us. No matter how difficult the journey, we must hold firmly to the hope we have in Jesus Christ. Even when it feels like hope has vanished, we are reminded that our Hope is alive and resurrected from the dead. His name is Emmanuel, our Redeemer and ever-present Help.
The fight may strain your hands, but it will never strain God’s hands. You can place your hands in His and find rest in His faithfulness. Job, in the midst of his suffering, questioned the presence of God. At that point in Job’s life, God was very silent. This silence led Job into anxiety and depression.
Yet, despite his doubts, he never ceased to praise Him. As Job searched and could not find God, he declared: “But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold.” Here we see that even though Job could not hear God, he trusted in God’s presence. He believed that so long as he remained faithful, God would establish him.
The reality is that as we walk with God, there will be times when He seems silent. This silence, combined with our pain, can tempt us to lose hope and give in. However, these moments are opportunities for us to be established on a firmer foundation. When God is silent, He is teaching us to truly hear Him.
If We Listen Closely, We Can Hear God In The Silence
If you listen closely to the silence, you might begin to hear its music. Silence is a term we humans use to describe the experience of not hearing from God, yet often, this silence is due to our own limitations.
God is always active and speaking. His Word is eternal and final. When God says, “I will be with you,” it is a promise that stands forever. No amount of silence or loneliness can negate the truth of His Word. Our inability to recognize God’s presence does not diminish it; instead, it reflects our lack of knowledge—not His absence.
Often, we struggle to hear God because we don’t truly know how to listen. Many believe that hearing God requires our physical ears, and I’ve experienced times when I tried to do just that—listening intently in silence, hoping to hear a word or two. But it’s by faith that we hear God, and it is with our spirits, not our physical ears, that we truly connect with His voice.
Let us look at 5 ways to hear God in the silence, and learn how to apply them to our daily lives. Rest assured, if you listen closely with your spirit, you can hear Him. Let’s dive in.
Listen Closely: 5 Ways To Hear God In The Silence
1. To Hear God in the Silence We Must Know His Voice
Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”
1 Samuel 30:10
To hear God in the silence, we must first know what He sounds like. Imagine trying to listen for a sound you don’t recognize—you might hear it and still miss it. We find an example of this in 1 Samuel 3, where the Bible recounts how the Lord called Samuel. At the time, Samuel did not yet know God’s voice. When God called him, Samuel assumed it was Eli the prophet calling, so he went to Eli for guidance.
Eli, realizing it was God who was calling Samuel, instructed him on how to respond. The next time God called, Samuel was prepared, and he answered, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”
There are two key takeaways from this story. First, we need to have knowledge of God’s voice to recognize it. Second, we might need a little guidance along the way. Initially, Samuel was listening, but he wasn’t truly hearing. Although he heard a sound, his lack of knowledge prevented him from fully understanding it was God.
Similarly, we can find ourselves in situations where we struggle to discern God’s voice. But as we learn to listen closely—with faith and guidance—we will begin to hear Him clearly.
2. Hearing God in Silence Means Eliminating All Other Voices
We will never truly hear God in silence if too many voices compete for our attention. To hear Him clearly, we must first know the sound of His voice so we can tune out the distractions. Many voices may call out to us, but we are called to follow only the voice of God.
God’s voice always aligns with His Word. Any voice that contradicts or fails to speak His Word is not His. No matter how much a voice may resemble God’s, if it doesn’t reflect His truth, it is not from Him.
When we know God’s voice, it becomes easier to focus on it and silence the noise of other voices. Our focus on God naturally eliminates distractions. The Bible says:
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (Philippians 4:8).
This scripture shows us how to shift our thoughts to the things of God, which helps us blot out competing voices. The good news is that as you walk with God, He will help you achieve this. May you continue to walk closely with Him and hear His voice clearly.
3. Prayer and Praise Can Help Us Hear God In The Silence
“But as for me, my prayer is to you, O Lord. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness.”
Psalm 69:13
It is often in the midst of prayer and praise that we hear the gentle voice of God. Prayer and praise are powerful ways to maintain holy communion with our Great High Priest. As we engage in them, we open our spiritual ears to hear Him more clearly.
When we pray, we also wage war against the enemy, driving him away. Our prayers are like burning coals that can be released upon our enemies, consuming them and crushing them under our feet. Prayer sharpens our focus on God and draws our attention to His presence. It allows us to hear Him more effectively.
As we pray, we must hold firm to the belief that God not only listens but also answers. The Psalmist in Psalm 69:3 reminds us of this truth, affirming that at the right time, God will respond in His steadfast love.
How wonderful are the prayers and praises that keep us close to Jah! They are the key to hearing Him, walking with Him, and remaining in His divine presence.
Related: Do You Struggle With The Spirit Of Forgetfulness? Here’s How To Defeat It.
4. We Can Discern God's Voice Through His written Word
The voice of God is most clearly revealed in His Word. This means that as we read and meditate on Scripture, we can confidently know we are hearing God’s voice. When seeking guidance on a specific subject or matter, we can turn to His Word to discover His will.
The Bible provides us with all the answers we need. Our responsibility is to hide His Word in our hearts so we can recall and apply it in our lives when needed.
Many people, however, choose to follow their own paths, ignoring the guidance of Scripture. They might rely on their feelings or thoughts instead of the teachings of God’s Word. Others may wait for God to say something they find more convenient, overlooking the fact that His Word is the final authority. God will never contradict His Word. His character and His Word are perfectly aligned.
As a result, when we engage with the Word of God, we can hear His voice clearly and follow His direction. Let us treasure His Word and let it guide our steps every day.
5. By Staying In His Presence We Can Stay Connected With God
Another way to hear the voice of God is by staying in His presence. Imagine someone longing to hear from God but choosing to stay distant from Him. Would they ever hear Him? The good news is that when we remain in His presence, we open ourselves to hear His voice more clearly.
We can stay in His presence through prayer, worship, and reading His Word, as well as by living a life that reflects His character. Walking in love is another way to remain close to God, as walking in love means walking with Him.
When we fellowship with other believers, we also dwell in the Presence of God. The Bible promises, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them” (Matthew 18:20). When we gather with other believers in unity, God’s presence is among us, speaking to us and bringing life to our spirits.
Concluding Thoughts
In the story of Samuel, Eli had to teach him how to recognize God’s voice. After Samuel learned this, he was able to respond to God when He called. Similarly, as we walk with God, understanding His voice will enable us to answer Him with confidence.
One essential way to hear God in the silence is by reading and meditating on His Word. His Word is His voice, and hiding it in our hearts allows us to hear Him more clearly. Above all, we must strive to know and follow His Word as it reveals His will for our lives.
May God strengthen your spiritual ears to hear Him more clearly. When you do, you can rest assured of His presence and His unfailing love for you. Be blessed!