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Keep Keeping On. Once There Is Life There Is Hope

Keep Keeping On. Once There Is Life There Is Hope

Keep Keeping On


For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion.

Keep Keeping On. You may be facing the most difficult and overwhelming situation, but be reminded that God is still with you, always. The truth is that once you have life there is hope. So often we are so diverged in the heavy waters of life – that we think that there is no return, or hope. Yet as the scripture declares “For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope.” There is indeed hope. Regardless of the depths of your despair, there is the light of hope to keep you keeping on.

I have discovered that difficult situations are often the training grounds of God. There is a saying that goes “nothing that is good comes easy.” What this means is that a good thing is good but it is not easy to come by. Difficulty is often the price we pay for good things. If we think long enough we will realize that it makes sense that difficulty is often required to bring the best out of us. This is a principle of life that we cannot escape.

Christ Is Our Life

In our deadness Jesus Christ is the life that helps us to keep keeping on. He is our resurrection who sustains us in our weakness. When Lazarus died the Bible says that his body was sitting for 4 days. Yet when Jesus Christ went to his grave death didn’t matter. What mattered was that Life was there and so there was hope. It is the same with us as we experience our own deadness. Our deadness doesn’t matter when Life is on the scene. The Light of Life will raise us up by the power of the Word of God. The Bible says that Jesus called Lazarus back to life. He used the power of His word to resuscitate Lazarus from his deadness.

The Scripture also says “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” We must both take hold of this life and walk in it.

Come Back To Life

Are you experiencing a dead place? The amazing news is that Christ has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. This light is the life that God has given to each person who walks with Him and trusts Him. The truth is that we have power over every deadness because of the shedding of the blood of Christ. This is our power and our victory that sustains us in our deadness. 

It doesn’t matter the deadness that you experience, you can come back to life. Life is for you because God is for you. 

As you go remember that it is for the freedom of life that Christ has died to set us free. Don’t let satan steal your joy by keeping you in deadness. Whether it be a broken home, broken heart or a broken financial situation. You can declare life over every situation through the power of the word of God.

Final Thought

As the scripture in Ecclesiastes 4:9 says “For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope.” It means that once there is life there is hope. The good news is that our ever present God is our living hope. He promises us that He will never leave us or forsake us. This promise can comfort us as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. May God raise you up. Be blessed!

Helpful Prayer

Dear God, thank you for being my living hope. Thank you for your death and resurrection that gives me life in every dead place. Please guide me as I walk through the thorns of this life and help me to stand and walk in the newness of Life you have given me. May your life give me light I pray. Amen.

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