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Helpful Ways To Tend Our Special Needs In The Spirit

Helpful Ways To Tend Our Special Needs In The Spirit

There are helpful ways to address our special need in the spirit. We often hear about special needs. This term is used to describe people who require extra support in various aspects of life. An individual with a special needs will usually require specialized services geared towards helping them function as normal as possible. Without these specialized services these individuals will not be able to operate effectively in the ways they desire. Yet these services will empower them to challenge life boldly and fully.

Special needs come in different forms, like behaviour, developmental and physical. Yet we hardly hear anyone speak about spiritual special needs. Consider the person who is crippled in the spirit. This person will not be able to be and to do all that God requires.  Don’t you think this person requires special care in order to rise from this slum of despair?

A Spiritual Need

The reality is that there is a need that we only experience in the spirit. As the name suggests, this is a need, hence we need help. This need is what I term spiritual special need. In fact, our greatest need is in the spirit. That’s why the Bible says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. This is because our true battle is in the spirit. It also means that our true victory has to be in the spirit.

As we face this reality of our spiritual special need, we must learn how to overcome these needs through the grace of God. Only God can tend to our spiritual special needs because God is our doctor in the spirit. The good news is that we can learn how to overcome these needs. In this blog post I want to share with you some Biblical keys in tending these needs. These keys will open the door to your victory as you trust in God and allow them. Lets have a look.

1. Spiritual Counselling

My brother wrote a book titled “The Perfect Counselling Manual” in which he shares about the true nature of spiritual therapy. In this book we learn that the Bible is the perfect book for counselling. Where best to seek help for the human soul than from the One who made him? The first thing is to recognise this source of strength. In Isaiah 11 we learn about this spirit of Counsel. As we are broken, we must identify this source of strength and utilize it. In our spiritual special need the Holy Spirit of Counsel will direct our path as we believe.

Consider the work of a counsellor. They use their words to try to trigger life in the lives of the people they counsel. Their hope is that as they speak these words they will add life to the people they seek to help. The truth is that words have power to change us. This is why we should seek the good Word of God as we struggle with our spiritual needs. 

2. The Bible is the Word of God

The Word of God has the power to regenerate us towards His goodness. We must seek to cultivate a mindset based on this Word of God. This is what the Bible terms the mind of Christ. As we seek this mind we will become more like God. This problem with the world is that we seek help in the wrong places. We often seek help that is not Biblical. This type of help is not geared towards helping our spiritual special need. Yet as we seek the counsel of God we will be transformed by His grace.

There are various sources from which we can source the strength of God. Whether it is through a sermon, or by reading a book, we must seek Biblical help no matter what. We can also seek the help of Godly people who God has anointed with His word. These people are specially anointed to speak to our spiritual wounds and to heal them. We can seek the help from a counsellor, or from God. 

3. Prayer and Fasting

Prayer and fasting is a principle in the spirit that causes things to happen. Whether we understand it, or not, we should know about the power of prayer and fasting. As we pray and fast we become less of ourselves for God to become more. When this happens we can be assured that Christ our Healer will tend to our need. 

4. Scriptural Reflection

The Bible says that the just shall live by faith. It also says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. As we reflect on the living and active Word of God, we’ll move closer to filling our spiritual special need. As people of God, our only way to receive from His loving hands is by our faith. Of a fact, our faith will make us whole.

As you experience your spiritual special need, it is therefore adamant that you dwell constantly in God’s Word. This Word has the power to change us and to move us from glory to glory. The sharp edges of this sharp spiritual sword will undertake the precise surgeries required to heal us. David said “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” May this light guide you to your healing.

5. Personal praise and worship

Praise and worship are like steroids in the spirit. They will keep us at the feet of God where our healing dwells. As a result, we must be keen to praise . Whether you worship alone, or in the company of Godly people, worship will be the wings to your healing. Be confident as you worship, and believe with all your heart that your healing is in the Hands of the Great Physician.

Concluding Thoughts

There are things we can do as we face our special need in the spirit. Some of these things include scriptural reflection, prayer and praise and seeking spiritual counselling. As we do these thing we must believe that God is willing and able to heal us. For sure He wants to heal our brokenness and bind up our every wound. May you be blessed.

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