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Heart Crunch: How God Feasts On Our Wounds With His Love

Heart Crunch: How God Feasts On Our Wounds With His Love


I enjoy a great meal. It not only gives me pleasure but it also leaves a satisfying memory. I think most people will agree with me that a great crunch will put a smile on our face. Imagine that God wants to consume us with His love. As we are broken, God feasts on our wounds as a piece of sacrifice on an altar.

In our lowest moments, we can be assured that God is right beside us. The Scripture tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us. These words are from the pure truth of God. For sure, this truth will set us free. The Bible says, even if our hearts condemn us He is greater than our hearts.

Take me for example. There was once a time when I constantly condemned myself. No matter who we are or where we are from we are often exposed to the same attacks of the enemy. I had to remind myself of the scripture that says “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” In this time, thoughts of condemnation, guilt and worry bombarded my mind. Through this battle, I have learnt that we must constantly guard our hearts with the solid Shield of Faith. 

Our Faith Will Protect Us From The Enemy

The Bible says that we have this weapon of faith to quench the fiery darts of the enemy. When there is quenching to be done we have the water of the Spirit to spew from our mouths. He said “out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water.” This river of living water is the word of faith we must declare from our mouths. We must declare victory through our expressions of faith and ultimately be healed.

When we are broken there is great hope. This is because God specializes in healing broken hearts. He loves to tend the brokenhearted and to bind up their wounds. That’s why He died and that’s why He resurrected with all power. In order to facilitate our victory and to hand us the baton of hope.

God Wants to Consume Us in Our Brokenness

There is a song that I like that goes like this “You provide the fire, I’ll provide the sacrifice.” That’s what will happen when we present our brokenness to God. He will be the fire, and our brokenness the sacrifice. As you go, you should pour your burdens to the Lord. This is because God wants to consume you with His love. Undoubtedly, He is Love and He is good. Even in our nothingness and burdensomeness, God’s mercy is everlasting and His grace sufficient.  Our most stubborn stains will dissolve in His love. 

When you go down in the valley remember that Christ travels in valleys too. And when the floods surround you, remember that His blood is more than a flood. His arms are far stretched and can reach you wherever you are. 

As Elijah challenged the false prophets He was confident that God would consume His sacrifice. God is our fire and we must be His sacrifice. The Bible says that Our God is a consuming fire. Often we fall in the fire of the furnace of hell. But David said ” If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there, Psalm 139:8.” David knew that hell didn’t matter as long as he makes his sacrifice. 

Our Wounds Sing Music to God

Are you crying music you think go unheard? I have good news for you. You should know that your wounds sing a type of melody unto God. It is a kind that won’t be left unanswered. Consider what wounds are. When we get a serious wound the first place we think about is the doctor.

One time I was back home in Trelawny and I was helping my brother Uroy with some farm work. He was working in his yam field. Long story short, he got a very serious cut while using the machete. We had to rush him to the hospital. When we got there the nurse saw him right away. That’s because He was deeply wounded. She did not hesitate to stop the bleeding and to dress the wound . If she didn’t do this, the wound would have lead to his detriment. Yet the nurse knew the seriousness and did not hesitate one bit.

The nurse knew that this was an emergency and she acted accordingly. This is the same thing that happens in our spiritual emergencies. When our spiritual wounds and deep, and bleeding, God will not hesitate to dress these wounds. He knows that it is a matter of life and death, and His is rightly positioned to save us.

As We Become Vulnerable God Becomes Available

As we become vulnerable God becomes available. In fact, He is available even before we get hurt. We have to both see and take hold of His healing. God is always available, but we often do not recognize His availability. 

When we are spiritually wounded God can hear the music of these wounds. Sometimes we become so bruised that it becomes an emergency in the spirit. In these times, our tears fall like blood. Thankfully, there is no power in heaven or on earth that is greater than God’s Love in our spiritual emergencies. As we cry our tears of sorrow we must remember that God wants to consume us with His love.

Whoever loses his life will gain it

The principle of sacrifice is to give something of value with the hope of receiving something better. A sacrifice is how we show God we submit to Him. The Bible says that we should present our bodies as living sacrifices holy and acceptable. There is a body in the spiritual realm that we must put on the altar of God. This body is often wounded. Yet, regardless of our wounds, we must present our bodies in order to gain something greater. 

Jesus was lead as a lamb to the slaughter. The Bible says that as He marched to the cross He was wounded for our transgressions and by His stripes we are healed. These stripes are deep cuts and bruises Jesus had to endure. In the end they took His life. Nonetheless, when He lost His life there remained a Life greater than every dead. This is how we gain our life when we lose it. 

As we trust in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ we will never die, even when the world crucifies us. They will discover that we are seeds of God, and that a seed can never die. Seeds germinate and flourish into the heavens, even in the dark. In the spirit we will experience similar growth. As we lose our lives for the sake of following Christ we will gain an ever greater life.

Be encouraged as you are wounded

The fact that God hears the music of our tears is enough reason to be encouraged. The Bible says that David encouraged himself in the Lord. There are some situations that seem as if they will consume us. Yet, as we trust God, the only consumption that will take place is when He consumes us with His great love.

Satan wants to lure you into believing otherwise, but you must be steadfast in your faith and hold to God’s Word. Be confident in encouraging yourself in the Lord. Always remember that it is because of your insufficiency that God is always available to you. Also remember that God will not turn down a broken and a contrite heart.

Concluding Thoughts

We have learnt that God wants to consume us with His love. Don’t give up. As you face the difficult moments of life, be assured that Christ is right beside you, and that He is able to lift you from any place. For sure, God wants to consume us with His love as we trust Him. He wants to make our hearts His delicacy. Won’t you rely on His faithfulness. God bless you.

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