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Building Spiritual Stamina: One Day Things Will Be Better

Building Spiritual Stamina: One Day Things Will Be Better

better is on the way

It is a spiritual guarantee: better is on the way. Though it might feel like night right now, a Light of hope will surely dawn with the day. It will be OK. Your tears might be mighty like a river, but Christ will wipe your tears away. 

You may be drowning in fears, but know King Jesus cares. He cares for you, even when you can’t follow through, His love for you is sure and true. So keep your stamina, and build spiritual fortitude, let strength be your food. 

In the midst of the whilst of the wind, don’t rescind, and don’t subside, for He sits by your side. And amidst the turbulence of the high tides, keep making those strides, for He abides, with arms opened wide. 

Let faith be your guide, as a bulb lit with promise. May you listen to my rhyme, let His Word be like comice. Fill your taste, with His warm embrace, and fill your thirst with His grace. Let His blood wash your face, and slow down the pace, for Him to fill your space.

Keep Breathing

Keep breathing, and proceeding, though you might be bleeding. He will bind your wounds, when your wounds break away, in His Presence won’t you stay. And pray, and praise, and be still in rainy days. When your tears fall like rain, with droplets of pain. Be like grain, that transforms in the dark, ignite like a twintle little spark.

Better is on the way, there is light come day, for Christ will be that awesome ray. Hear what I say, let rhymes be a reminder, that your present worries are minor, compared to what’s ahead, oh won’t you consider the heavenly bread.

In and out, let hope flow like air from the mouth. Let glory be your shout, and the highway to Zion your route. Turn north and not south, go where the shoots sprout. 

God knows what He’s about, and He’s up to something beautiful, to make you fruitful, and make you multiply. So, let the breath of life arouse you, won’t you follow through, for as the days become new, He’ll make your grey skies blue.

It will be OK

It will be OK, better is on the way. He’ll redirect you when you stray. Are you weary with the burdens you carry? Are you so sorry, capsized with worry? He says, Don’t worry, for worry only causes harm. He’ll save you in a hurry, and keep your warm. 

If only you believe, you’ll receive from His hands. King Jesus understands. He knows the flows that unearth you, and the pestilence that hurts you. Yet, His stubborn love is steadfast, let it be your breakfast, and your lunch and dinner. Know that you’re a winner.

Don’t run away, for it will be OK. Don’t run from the troubles of today. For troubles come to strengthen your resilience, and build up your confidence. So abide and be still, for it is His will, that your be built. 

It Never Ends

Eternity never ends and neither do you. His breath is the ration that fashioned you. There is a better way, in the end it will be OK. So dare you run, oh won’t you stay, and fast, and pray. You can be fruitful beyond every measure, for you carry the heavenly treasure, within you. 

My friend, is your heart broken? Broken hearts my Christ will mend, and the oppressed He’ll defend. He’ll straighten every bend, and in your heart descent, won’t you follow through, oh hold on to the end, my friend!

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