When life gets tough, we must learn to build spiritual resilience. This is perhaps the most valuable attribute one can possess. Life often beats us down, but the ability to rise again and keep moving forward requires spiritual fortitude. Building spiritual resilience in difficult times will help us maneuver them with confident faith.
We must learn how to withstand challenges, stay afloat, and grow stronger no matter what comes our way. When the going gets tough, we must rise to the occasion and get tougher.
Do not let the fires of life intimidate you. Instead, face them with courage and determination. Develop a thick skin that enables you to stand firm in adversity. Don’t be afraid—no matter your circumstances, trust that you have the inner strength and resilience to endure and overcome.
You Have What It Takes
Denying this ability does not take it away. Imagine a car that is fully fueled and mechanically sound but lacks a driver. Does the absence of a driver eliminate the car’s ability to function? No, it doesn’t. The car’s ability to drive is inherent, built within it.
It is the same with us. God created us with the ability to overcome any battle we face. The moment we take control and rise to the challenge, we set ourselves on the path to victory.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6
Ever so often, life greets us with surprises—not the kind that uplift us, but those that wound us deeply. These moments demand our very best, and we must be prepared to give it everything we’ve got.
To navigate such times, there are strategies and habits we can adopt that equip us to face challenges and achieve our goals. These practices strengthen our minds and bodies, preparing us for the rocky roads ahead. It’s crucial to pay attention to them because, when our journey becomes difficult, these tools will help us rise to the occasion and grow tougher than the challenges we face.
Let us look at them
6 Ways To Get Tougher When The Going Gets Tough
1. Embrace The Challenge
As we build spiritual resilience, we must first accept things for what they are. There is great power in accepting the circumstances we face, especially when we cannot change them. Embracing our challenges allows us to recognize that these very difficulties might become our greatest opportunities for growth.
The toughest times often carry the potential to empower us the most. When we understand this truth, we can face challenges with a willing and even grateful heart. Our hardest moment teach us how to stay strong in faith and trust God more.
There was a time when I lived in constant regret, burdened by a past event I could not change. This regret plunged me into what I now call toxic depression. The going had gotten tough, but I hadn’t grown tougher to match it. It was only when I chose to accept and embrace my challenges, facing them head-on, that things began to improve.
Through this process, I discovered the transformative power of accepting life’s difficulties. As the saying goes, what you resist persists. Don’t resist your challenges—embrace them, face them, and allow them to refine you like fire does gold.
2. Mental rehearsal and cultivating a positive mindset
You can cultivate a positive mindset through mental rehearsal—a powerful cognitive technique where you mentally practice a skill or envision a desired outcome. This process prepares your mind for success by simulating the experience in your thoughts.
When we engage in mental rehearsal, we train ourselves to expect and anticipate victory, creating a foundation of confidence and readiness. By envisioning success before it happens, we set the stage for it to manifest in reality. David said it this way:
I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living. Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!
Psalm 27 : 13–14
While we practice building spiritual resilience, we must also cultivate a positive mindset. The mind is like a garden. In a garden, if we plant good seeds, we harvest a healthy crop. On the contrary, if we allow weeds to take root, they will choke out the good plants.
The same principle applies to the mind—when we entertain negative thoughts, we often reap negative outcomes. Perhaps the reason life feels so challenging is that the mind has become cluttered with toxic thinking. Overcoming spiritual struggle will involve training our minds to think like God.
To endure tough times God’s way, we must train our minds with His Word. A Godly mindset doesn’t just uplift us; it equips us to face adversity with resilience and determination. By nurturing Godly thoughts, we prepare ourselves to rise above life’s difficulties.
3. Building Spiritual Resilience Means Keeping On Your Knees
One of the greatest weapons we have when the going gets tough is prayer. Prayer offers psychological, emotional, and spiritual benefits that are especially powerful during challenging times. It connects us to a God, our divine source of strength, and provides a deep sense of peace and assurance.
We must make prayer a constant practice. God is our ultimate source of strength, and the way to reach Him is through prayer. Therefore, our prayer lives must be strong, even when God appears silent. God didn’t stop praying, even when He couldn’t hear from God.
Prayer strengthens our spiritual muscles, fortifying us with the resilience needed to endure life’s difficulties. It empowers us to keep going, knowing that we are never alone in our struggles.
4. Learn from your difficulty
In the midst of every difficulty lies a valuable lesson waiting to be learned. Perhaps the challenges we face arise because we lack the wisdom or understanding that the lesson is meant to teach us.
Victory, after all, begins in the mind—our thoughts shape our outcomes. Therefore, we must actively seek the lessons hidden within our struggles and remain open to learning from them. Trusting God in difficult times not only prepare us for the roads ahead but also refine us into more valuable individuals.
In my own experience, it is through my struggles that I have gained the ability to write and encourage others. These hardships have taught me patience, endurance, and understanding. They serve as powerful reminders that growth often emerges from adversity, equipping us to help ourselves and those around us.
5. Learn to let go and go on
To move forward, we must first let go of yesterday. This may not always be easy, but it is necessary when building spiritual resilience. Letting go of what lies behind and focusing on the road ahead allows us to shed the burdens that so often weigh us down.
The Apostle Paul reminds us of this in Philippians 3:13: “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.” Here, Paul encourages us to release the past and press forward toward our future.
When the going gets tough, we must not fear letting go of the things that hold us back. These may very well be the source of our struggles. By releasing them, we free ourselves to embrace the opportunities and victories that lie ahead. Overcoming spiritual struggles means that we let go and let go.
6. Seek Help If You Need To
There is immense value in the people and resources God has placed in our lives. They are there to support and guide us, especially in difficult times. Whether it’s family, friends, books, videos, or blogs like this one, we must not hesitate to seek help. These resources are gifts from God, and it’s up to us to take deliberate action in finding and utilizing them when we need them most.
The mere fact that we are experiencing tough times is often an indication that we need assistance. I recall a time when I was going through a difficult situation and desperately needed help but allowed my pride to stop me from seeking it. God even placed a specific family member on my heart to reach out to, yet I ignored that prompting. What began as a minor issue grew into a crippling problem because I didn’t seek the help I needed.
Don’t repeat the mistake I made. Ignoring a small problem can allow it to grow into something far more destructive. Be proactive and seek help without hesitation. The resources you need are already within your reach; all you have to do is take the step to use them.
When the going gets tough
When the going gets tough,
And the seas get rough.
Get tough with the going,
And rougher while you’re rowing.
And when the waves splash,
The lightning will flash.
But don’t be afraid when it pours,
For you’ll make it to the shores.
When the seas and the breeze,
Never seem to want ot ease.
Keep grounded on your knees,
For you are stronger than these.
Don’t freeze, just keep going on,
For you’ll make it to the dawn.
When the rough gets tough, get tougher,
And when seas are rough, get rougher!
When the going gets tough, we must learn to get tougher—no matter what. To do this, we can adopt habits and strategies that equip us to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and strength. It’s not enough to simply know these strategies; we must actively implement them in our lives. As we do this, we will learn to build spiritual resilience in our walk with God.
When the going gets tough, get tougher. Building spiritual resilience means that when the seas are rough, we rise to meet them with even greater with confident faith. Stay strong and be blessed.
Share in the comments below how you build spiritual resilience in your own life.