There are many benefits of Laughter. In fact, the Bible says, “A cheerful heart is good medicine.” That’s why we should not only laugh every now and then but also strive to carry a perpetual hearty smile. I speak of laughter as a heart condition rather than merely a physical expression. Many will laugh with their lips while their hearts remain sad or even evil. However, true laughter encompasses both the mind and body. It is when the lips laugh because the heart is laughing. In its fullness, laughter becomes the physical expression of our spiritual joy.
Consider someone you always laugh with—doesn’t it bring relief when you share those moments together? When we laugh with people dear to us, it feels as though the world stops spinning, allowing us to savor those special moments. There is nothing quite as relieving as the times we spend laughing with those around us.
Maybe what we need more than ever is to spend more time doing the things we love with the people we cherish—and just laugh. For me, I love spending time with people I love, doing simple things and sharing laughter. We live in a world that trains us to be perpetually busy, yet it’s essential to carve out moments for what brings us joy. In our society, we’re often pressured to prioritize productivity over happiness. However, taking time to laugh together is incredibly beneficial—not only for our mental health but for our physical well-being as well.
Laughing in Oneness
Imagine a day without laughter—what a sad day that would be! I liken a day without laughter to a day without sunshine because laughter brightens our hearts just as the sun brightens our days. Think of a dark and gloomy day and compare it to a face that never laughs or a heart that never smiles. When I am around people with gloomy expressions, I often feel an urge to distance myself.
Laughter comes with numerous benefits. Scientists say that a good laugh helps release tension and stress, leaving your muscles more relaxed. Research also shows that laughter boosts the immune system and protects the heart. Beyond these physical benefits, there are many unseen advantages that we experience directly. For instance, laughter can help us refocus on what truly matters and find a sense of peace even during the most challenging times.
Let’s explore some of the key benefits of laughter and why it’s essential to incorporate more of it into our lives.
5 Benefits of Laughter: Amazing Reasons to Always Be Happy
Laughter Produces Peace and Rest
Laughter lightens our heart’s load and causes us to rest. We must recognize that true peace and rest come from knowledge—the kind of knowledge that leads to happiness. First, we must know, and then we can rest. The beauty of laughter, and the knowledge that inspires it, is that it’s accessible to everyone.
We can all find rest in the truth that God is good and that He is our loving Father in heaven. Imagine the kind of laughter that wells up when we truly believe that God is always with us, for us, and never against us. For those who mourn, this truth brings profound comfort and rest.
As the Bible beautifully states:
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” – Matthew 5:4
Consider this: true comfort, when fully embraced, produces rest. In our moments of sadness and distress, let us remember that God has the power to turn our mourning into laughter—and let us choose to laugh. It’s not because we always have things under control or because we always get it right, but because the truth is that God is before all things, and He holds everything in His hands.
Imagine if we wholeheartedly believed this truth. Think of the peace and rest it would bring to our hearts. Let us cling to the knowledge that God is good, that He is with us, and that His control over all things is perfect. So, let us laugh.
Take a moment to step away from the busyness of life. Pause, rest, and find joy in laughter.
Laughter Boosts Our Physical Health
Consider the scripture in Proverbs 17:22: “A merry heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones.”
It’s striking how the Bible acknowledges brokenness and its toll, describing how it dries up the bones. Yet, in contrast, a merry heart is compared to good medicine. Today, many people are weighed down by stress and the burdens of life. So many of us feel locked in by the challenges we face.
Yet, the simple truth remains: a happy and joyful heart is like healing medicine. In fact, laughter truly is the best medicine. It lifts our spirits, eases our burdens, and provides a sense of relief that nothing else can.
According to past research, laughter has remarkable health benefits. It lowers blood pressure and helps release muscle tension, promoting relaxation. Additionally, laughter boosts the immune system and reduces stress hormones, leading to decreased stress levels. These benefits collectively contribute to better overall physical health.
One of the Many Benefits of Laughter is that it Makes Us More Attractive
As I mentioned earlier, when I’m around people with a gloomy face, I often feel the urge to step away. There’s little joy in being around those who don’t laugh. Of course, there will be days when we just don’t feel like smiling outwardly, but let that inner, perpetual smile continue to shine. Don’t let the bulb of joy go dim. Always remember, you have a reason to laugh—even in the toughest times. The simple fact that whatever you are going through will eventually come to an end, especially if you persist long enough, should fill you with hopeful joy.
A smile has the power to brighten a room and turn a dark day into one filled with light. Just one smile can dispel anger and change the entire atmosphere. Never forget, a smile makes you more attractive to those you interact with. Ultimately, we all need to communicate with others in one way or another, and wearing a perpetual smile—both inside and out—can make every interaction far more pleasant.
Laughter Is An Encouragement To Go On
One thing I love to do is gaze out at the distant sunshine through my window. I’m often encouraged by the warmth of the sun’s rays and the joy it radiates. There’s nothing more beautiful than the sight of the sunrise from my windowpane. I often compare the uplifting effect of the sun to that of a hearty smile. A smile is incredibly therapeutic, filled with healing power, and it can sustain us through even the darkest moments.
Even in our lowest state, we can find encouragement in the fact that life is our greatest gift. Though life may not always feel that way, it is a miracle, a gift from God. If you have life, you have more than enough reason to smile and to be encouraged. As the old saying goes, “Once there is life, there is hope.” The Bible assures us that hope will not disappoint, which is an even greater and more valid reason to be encouraged.
So, be encouraged every time you smile, and always remember: each smile is a signal of hope.
Laughter Is A Social Glue That Binds People Together
Among the many benefits of laughter is that it is a social glue. I love being around my mother because of her smile. My mother’s smile is so beautiful and calming that I simply enjoy being in her presence. This is what I mean when I say, “Laughter is a social glue that binds people together.” There’s nothing more bonding than a mother’s smile toward her child.
When I shop and receive good, friendly service, I’m much more likely to return to that store. Similarly, when I meet people who smile, I’m much more inclined to want to meet them again. Laughter is a wonderful icebreaker that opens the door for meaningful connections and a good time.
Concluding Thoughts
It is true that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Let us, therefore, be encouraged and continue to endure in the joy of the Lord.
Be blessed!